"Shawn I know you ain't bring this bright ass nigga in here," One barber said causing all the attention to go on Kaino.

They started at him before busting out in laughter.

"Man chill on him," Shawn said but they continued to laugh at him.

Soon the bell on the door and in walked a young lady.

She stood at about 5 feet and 5 inches tall and her skin was a beautiful brown tone.

Kaino eyed her from head to toe, admiring her plump two-toned lips that were coated in clear.

He wanted to admire her beauty more but he was knocked out of his trance when another barber spoke.

"Aye, Faye! Look at this clown ass nigga Shawn done brought in here!" He joked causing the rest of the shop to laugh but Faye just shook her head, she didn't find the joke funny.

"Y'all leave him alone," Faye spoke softly, the southernness heard evidently in her tone.

Though Faye was young, the men in the shop saw her as an authority figure, she was known to boss them around, she had been doing it since she was a little kid.

So over time they just started to listen to her, not wanting to feel her wrath when they didn't.

"Hi, I'm Fayuna, but everyone calls me Faye," The girl spoke sweetly, deciding to introduce herself to the man since everyone else in the shop was messing with him.

"Kaino.." He spoke, surprised that the captivating woman was even speaking to him.

"Cute name, Nice to meet Kaino. I'll go set up and then I can help you out, okay?" She spoke and he just nodded, too nervous to even respond.

"Poor thing, just as red as a tomato"' Faye mumbled as she walked off to her station.

"Alright you in good hands, Faye Geno lil' sister and he taught her everything he know, she'a get you right," Shawn said to his friend and Kaino nodded, still staring at Faye from a distance.

"Yo...You good?" Shawn asked his friend.

"I think I'm in love," Kaino thought.

"Uh, Yeah I'm good bro," Kaino replied, lightly clearing his throat.

"Okay Kai, You can come on!" Faye said causing Kaito look over to Shawn before walking over to Faye's chair.

"Jesus..." Faye mumbled while lowering her chair after he sat down.

Kaino stood at a good 6'4 so even at its lowest setting, he still was too tall for her.

"Uhm, hold on, let me go get my stool," Faye said with a small laugh.

She quickly left to go get her stool from the backroom before coming back and setting it up.

She then removed his hat, setting it on his lap before grabbing a new brush.

She then smoothly brushed through his wavy blonde hair.

Kaino didn't know if it was him being delusional, but everything she did felt 10x better than it should've, maybe it was him being delusional.

"You smell good," Faye complimented as she pulled his hair into a ponytail.

"'preciate it," He mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up once again.

A/N: weak in the kneessss

"Where you from? sounds like you're from up north," Faye asked, deciding the make conversation as she started to line him up in the back.

"I'm from New Jersey, moved down here 'bout two weeks ago" Kaino explained.

"Oh wow, really? How you like it here so far?" She asked curiously, interested in knowing more about him.

"It's ight, kinda hard getting in the groove of shit 'round here," He said and she nodded.

"I feel you, I heard everything up north happens so quickly and everyone's always in a rush, is that true?" Faye questioned.

"For the most part, yeah, I got used to that shit over time though. Over here it's weird, everything is so calm" He replied.

"Calm? Tuh just wait till Mardi Gras comes around next week, then you'll know something" Faye said while shaking her head.

"It get crazy over here?" Kaino questioned.

"Man, Crazy? Between the parades and the parties, it gets wildddd, you gotta' come out though, it's so fun" She said.

"Speaking of, Geno throwing a party for it, you and Shawn should come" Faye suggested as she began to work on the front.

"'ight, I'll see about it," Kaino said.

don't worry y'all, my baby kai gon have a lil flavor 😓

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don't worry y'all, my baby kai gon have a lil flavor 😓

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