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Thank you to everyone who's reading and enjoying this story, it means the world <3

Kiara and I stared at the envelope, both of us speechless. JJ tapped my thigh and I looked down at him briefly before returning my eyes back to my sister, who was now reaching for the FedEx envelope.

"You're gonna want to see this, Johnny Boy." I whispered and gestured for JJ to set me down. As he stepped away from the wall he grabbed onto my hands to help me balance and slowly lowered himself, once he was closer to the ground I swung my leg over his head, both my feet now on solid ground.

John B reached through the small hole in the wall and my sister handed him the envelope. With what looked like black sharpie the words 'For Bird' were written onto it.

"That's not gold.." Pope sighed. Since it was late and I was getting tired, I leaned my head onto JJ's shoulder for comfort. He stood still and let his head lean onto mine. It was weird to think that even if we weren't dating, we'd still be standing here, right next to one another.

"Holy shit." JB said in amazement. Kie climbed her way out and I ran to assist her, giving her my hand, she grunted as her feet met the soil with a small thud, "This is from my dad."

Over my shoulder I heard what sounded like a vehicle approaching and tapped my boyfriends arm, "Code red."

His eyes widened as he alerted the rest of the group, "Code red. Code red. Square groupers!" He held his arms out and corralled us to run and we listened, turning on our heels and bolting the opposite way, "It's the guys who robbed your house." I didn't bother looking back to confirm, so I believed his words.

"Behind here!" I pointed ahead to the left and we all kneeled down behind the wall that would, hopefully, hide us from their view.

"LightS!" Kie reminded and we all shut our lanterns off, except for John B, who struggled a bit and ended up shoving it under his shirt.

"Turn your light off, man!" Pole insisted worriedly.

"John B, your light!" Kie smacked his arm and I squeezed my eyes shut, praying for his light to just shut off.

"If you not knowing how to shut a damn light off gets us killed, I'm going to kill you again as a ghost!" I scolded him quietly as he continued to panic.

"Is that even—what?" John B stuttered as he fiddled with the light to try and turn it off.

"Homies got a gun." JJ informed as he looked behind the wall to watch the men. My eyes widened at him as Kie pulled my arm up.

"Screw this, let's go." She dragged me behind her as we began to run, the guys following close behind.

"Right there!" A man yelled and I picked up the pace. Now I was the one in front of Kie pulling her to keep up. Getting caught was not on my to do list, so I'd be avoiding that.

"Up and over!" I grunted as we all began climbing up the metal fence. My arms pulled me up and I tossed one leg over, giving me leverage to role my body over the fence, "JJ." I turned around, making sure my boyfriend made it safely over, he did with ease.

"Guys, I'm stuck." Pope began panicking and we all stopped running to see Popes shorts caught at the top of the fence.

"Pope, come on!" JJ rushed as he held tightly onto my hand.

"He's stuck." I repeated, dropping his hand to run over to our friend.

"I got you." Kie assure as she tried her best to help Pope get his shorts unstuck. To the side JJ held up the gun and I gasped.

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