01.01 (4)

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This chapter even longer than the last...9,200 ish words. With the next episode I'll try harder with spacing my chapters out better, the first chapter was short which made the others longer than I anticipated.

Anywho, please enjoy the fourth chapter and first episode of my Outer Banks story! We've got seasons to go, so strap in <3

Side note: im going to be rereading this story tomorrow to edit any spelling/grammar mistakes :)

"For the record, this is a horrible idea." Pope pointed at me while we walked behind JJ and John B as they helped each other carry a keg onto the beach.

"Oh, relax," I calmed him, "What's the worst that could happen?" With the bag of red color cups over my shoulder I ran and caught up to my sister, who was carrying the tap for the keg. My hand grabbed into hers and threw our arms into the air as we jumped over a fallen tree.

"You're in a strangely good mood," She chimed and swung our arms up, twirling me to showcase the smile of mine, "What's going on?"

"We're carrying over a hundred pounds of beer, why wouldn't she be in a good mood?" JJ asked as they sat the keg down. I was still trying to be upset with him over his little comment about my sister, but his adorable cheeky smile was making it almost impossible.

"Bingo," I pointed to the blonde and snagged the tap from my sisters hand and inserting it into the top of the keg, "Like this?" I looked up to JJ to make sure I was doing it right.

"Yeah, then just twist," His hand went over mine as he grabbed onto the nozzle and squeezed it, sending beer spewing out and all over John B.

"That's one way to get the party started." John B chuckled and wiped his face, "That was your fault." He smiled and pointed to me.

"What?" I covered my mouth as I laughed, "No, no, no, blame JJ!" I began sprinting away but John B had other plans. Before I could get too far he grabbed onto me and threw me over his shoulder, "JB, put me down," I whispered to him, "Seriously, you're gonna piss JJ off."

I looked up and saw JJ quickly look away from us, too late, he was pissed.

"Why do you care, anyway?" John B sat me down with a huff and I shrugged, "Oh, my god, you have feelings for JJ." He soon realized and I punched him in the chest, making him double over to catch his breath, "Alright, I deserved that."

"You two gonna join the party!?" Kie shouted and I sent her a thumbs up and jogged over to them, "What was that about?" She whispered as she walked close to me. I gave her an 'I don't know' look and turned away.

"Let the party begin.." Pope trailed off while gazing between both JJ and I. Once again the tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife. I knew John B was just messing around, but to JJ it looked like flirting, I knew that for a fact.

I filled my solo cup with beer and held it into the air, "Cheers."


A decent crowd was forming onto the sandy beach and golden hour was in full effect. With two full cups of beer in my hand I waltzed over to JJ and nudged his arm, "Got you a beer."

He scoffed and looked away, "You sure it's not for John B?"

"Shut up and take the beer," I chuckled and shoved the cup into his hand, a few droplets spilling out from the force, "Consider it payback for calling my sister hot." I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol or JJ finally grew a pair but I was frozen by his next words.

"Leilani, you know I think you're perfection." He winked as he walked backwards, bringing his mouth to the cup and tipping it back to take a sip.

"Get over here and chug with me!" I called him back, "I didn't bring you that beer for nothing!"

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