Chapter Nineteen

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Fireheart padded slowly up to Waterlily who was curled up beside Cinderpelt; both of them were sleeping peacefully. He softly prodded her side with his forepaw, hoping not to wake Cinderpelt. Waterlily blinked open her eyes in surprise, the relaxed once she saw it was Fireheart. She yawned then mewed. "What is it?"

"Can you come with me to ThunderClan and see if the fire has gone down?" His mew was tense, but he tried to stay calm and steady. "I would like Graystripe to come with us as well."

Graystripe stood beside him and dipped his head to the medicine she-cat. "Thank you, Waterlily. For all that you could do, to save my kits."

Waterlily couldn't help but feel hot with embarrassment. It has been a while since she thought of Graystripe's mate, Silverstream. She was able to save the kits, but not the silver queen. She died giving birth. Waterlily's eyes clouded with sorrow as she looked up at Graystripe. She couldn't bring herself to speak. 

Cloudpaw then padded up to them. "Can I come?" He whispered. 

Fireheart shook his head. "No. Stay here."

"Please?" he pleaded. "I'll do everything you say!"

"Then stay here and help Whitestorm. Will you let him and Bluestar know that we will be back by moonrise?"

Cloudpaw nodded his head slowly and lowered his head in sadness. Waterlily couldn't help but feel bad for the fluffy kitten. He was only wanting to help. But she suspected that Fireheart only wanted a few to come with him in case the fire and smoke was still too potent and dangerous. Waterlily followed him in silence across the bridge and back into ThunderClan territory. Graystripe walked beside Fireheart and their pelts almost touched. Waterlily looked around and her eyes burned from the smoke, but there was no more fire. 

The earth seemed gray and gloomy as they padded into the familiar grounds of their camp. The dens were turned to ash and looked like piles of nothingness. The only thing that was left standing, was the medicine den and Bluestar's den. Waterlily raced inside the medicine den in hopes to find the herb store well stocked, but everything was gone. The fire had gulped it all up and left nothing behind.

"Did you find Yellowfang yet?" Fireheart mewed, peering into the medicine den. 

Waterlily shook her head slowly, then padded over to him. "The fire has ruined everything. We'll have to rebuild it all again."

"But water has also saved us. It could have been worse." Fireheart admitted.

Graystripe took a pace forward. "Fireheart is right. It could have been a lot worse."

Waterlily didn't want to hear what all could go wrong. She silently padded between the two warriors and headed towards the ravine and looked around for Yellowfang. Her heart sank as she saw a bit of a gray tail just underneath a large tree. She raced towards it. Then as she neared, she slowed down, in hopes to find Yellowfang still alive. 

Yellowfang made a pitiful coughing sound and she gasped for air. Waterlily padded to her side and nudged her cheek. "I'm glad you're okay."

"Not for long." Yellowfang rasped. She coughed in between each word.

Waterlily took a small pace backwards. "What do you mean?" Her voice almost  cracked as if she knew what Yellowfang was about to say next.

"I am too weak to move. I'm old, Waterlily. You will be a great medicine cat. No matter what you think, you are a gifted medicine cat." Yellowfang croaked out the words as best as she could, then gasped for air again. 

Fireheart raced to her side and licked her forehead like a mother would to their kit. "Yellowfang, I can help you."

"Don't bother. Fireheart, there is something you must know. Brokentail was my..."

"Your son. I know. I accidentally overheard when you were speaking to him and Waterlily."

Yellowfang twitched her ear with amusement. "I will be watching over you in StarClan... my old friends." She then took her last breath and her eyes clouded to black. She was dead. 

Waterlily shook her head. "No. No! Please, Yellowfang. You can't do this! Not now. I've already lost so much." She crouched down and pressed her forehead against Yellowfang's flank. Her body was already beginning to grow cold. She cried in silence, then backed away, letting Fireheart and Graystripe pay their respects to the old she-cat. 

"Let's bury her." Mewed Fireheart. Waterlily nodded silently, and followed Graystripe and Fireheart to the burying place. The two warriors set Yellowfang down and bowed their heads in respect before properly covering her up with dirt. 

"I will see you in StarClan, Yellowfang - my mentor, my elder, my friend." She closed her eyes tightly and let the memories sweep over her. She softly purred at the memories that danced in her head. She remembered how Yellowfang was impatient with her, but praised her nonetheless. She then remembered how Yellowfang was not as weak as she thought when it came to battle training.

Fireheart then interrupted her thoughts. "Come on. We should get going back to the Clan. It's almost moon high."

Waterlily clouded her eyes with pain, then dipped her head in respect. 

"She will be greatly remembered." Meowed Graystripe, calmingly. 

As they neared the others that stood awkwardly around in RiverClan camp, Fireheart told them all what had happened.

"StarClan told me that fire would save the Clan." Hissed Bluestar once Fireheart had finished speaking. "But it has destroyed us instead."

"No. It hasn't. I won't let that happen." Fireheart tried to encourage her.

"ThunderClan will return home tonight." Bluestar decided in a voice like ice. Waterlily kept silent and watched as Bluestar flicked her tail to the Clan. "We are to leave now. We are only strangers here."

"But the camp is ruined!" Protested Graystripe.

"No matter. We will rebuild it."

Waterlily sighed with relief. Their leader was finally back and had the determination they needed long ago. "Then lead the way, Bluestar." She purred, standing straighter.

Bluestar dipped her head, then padded to the RiverClan's camp border.

Graystripe then raced over to her side. "Wait!" He yowled. "Let me accompany you back to ThunderClan."

"We don't need an escort." Retorted Bluestar. She quickly turned her head towards him and her eyes narrowed to slits. "You chose to stay with your kits. You must live with the decision you made." Bluestar must have known why he was asking to come back with them.

Waterlily flinched at her words. Was she really not going to let him rejoin ThunderClan? She tilted her head in intently listened what Graystripe would do next. The other warriors around her did the same, all shocked on Bluestar's hostile tone.

Very well." Graystripe dipped his head and sat down. He watched in silence and disappointment as his former Clan left camp. Waterlily nodded her head to the gray warrior and waited for Fireheart to say goodbye to his old friend. Fireheart then padded over to Waterlily and they both fell in beside one another, following their Clan back to their own camp.

"Don't blame Bluestar for her harsh words. She just wants to make sure Graystripe doesn't do the same as she once did." Mewed Waterlily, trying to comfort him.

"I know. I just wish that he chose to stay here."

Waterlily nodded slowly in agreement, then pressed herself closer to Fireheart, trying to keep her friend comforted. Fireheart then trekked faster to catch up with Bluestar in the front of the Clan. Waterlily stayed behind the Clan and her eyes clouded with sorrow. She didn't have anyone to go home to. Spottedleaf is gone. And now Yellowfang is gone. She was alone and she felt very much alone.

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