"Just trust me on this" I said while I grab her hand and hold it and start walking inside the forest.


I looked at our joint hands and felt flustered and warm inside and look at the back of Daniela and then let out a small warm smile.

"Your not really going to murder me in the forest right" I said jokingly and I see from the corner of my eye Daniela rolling her eyes at me.

"Very funny, but No" Daniela said while rolling her eyes.

I just let out a low chuckle and continue walking.


The two of them are walking in silence.

Daniela stop from walking making a absent-mindedly Rosalie bump in her back.

"Why did you stop" Rosalie asked while looking at her curiously.

"We're here, so close your eyes" Daniela said excitedly making Rosalie roll her eye but complied nonetheless.

Daniela make sure that her eyes are close and lead her towards the open field.

"You can open your eyes now" Daniela whisper in her ears from behind making Rosalie flinch a bit.

Rosalie opened her eyes and was shocked and mesmerized on what she see.

"Wow!" Rosalie said in awed making Daniela smirk and nod proudly.

Rosalie walk slowly and look around in amazement when she was in the middle of the forest and turn around to look at Daniela with amazement who smile at her warmly making her flustered but quickly compose herself.

"How did you find this place, even I don't know this place" Rosalie asked.

"Well, let's just say that I take a long walk if I wanted to calm myself, and found this place accidentally" Daniela replied while shrugging her shoulder.

Rosalie just hum and look around a bit more and Daniela who is right behind her.

"So why did you bring me here" Rosalie asked while glancing behind her.

Daniela shrug her shoulder and answer casually " well, you had a jealous expression on your face when I flirt with Charlotte so I took you away"

Rosalie suddenly stop her walk and turn towards her face to face and glare at her and said " I am not jealous"

Daniela snort hearing that and said sarcastically " yeah, if you say so"

Rosalie just glare harder and decided to ignore her and continue walking leaving Daniela behind.

"JUST ADMIT THAT YOUR JEALOUS" Daniela shouted while walking towards her.

"SHUT UP, IM NOT JEALOUS" Rosalie shouted back while still walking away.

Daniela catch up with her and suddenly hugged her from behind making Rosalie flinch and tense at the sudden skin contact but relax immediately after remembering who it was.

"Wh- what are you doing" Rosalie stutter nervously making her curse herself and thought ' why am I stuttering, and why the hell am I nervous for,'

"You know, you look cute when your jealous" Daniela whisper in her ear with a small smile making Rosalie flustered but decided to ignore it.

"Wh- who said I was jealous, don't be narcissistic" Rosalie snort.

Daniela just pull away causing Rosalie to fell dissatisfied and turn around to face her mate who shrug her shoulder and flip my hair and said confidently with a smirk " I have the right to be narcissistic person, I mean look at me, everyone always stares at me all the time, I mean I can't blame them, did you look at me" while gesturing herself.

Rosalie just roll her eyes and scoffed at her comment but didn't say anything knowing she is right and suddenly begin walking leaving Daniela behind.

Daniela was shock and decided to catch up to her and grabbed her hand gently and looked at her with hope in her eyes and asked with a bit of red in her ears " I actually brought you here, so maybe we can get to know each other better, if that's okay with you ofcourse"

Rosalie was shock at first and see her red ear and hopeful eyes making her smile and nodded " sure, I don't mind, you should have told me beforehand"

"I was hoping to do that on the second day of my class here when I invited you to actually get to know you but your siblings are with you so I didn't know how to approach you at that time" Daniela explain in embarrassment.

"You don't like my siblings" Rosalie asked in curiousity.

Daniela become shock and shake her head continuesly and immediately replied to clear the misunderstanding " it's not that I don't like them, I actually like them, they are fun but, it's just I want to spend sometime with you alone."

Rosalie who heard it become flustered and lower her head in embarrassment with a smile on her face.

" But if you don't want it's fi-" Daniela said

"It's fine" Rosalie cut her off.

"Really" Daniela asked while looking at her hopefully.

"Yeah sure, I also wanted to get to know you better too" Rosalie replied with a smile on her face making Daniela mesmerized at her smile and subconsciously smile too.

I reincarnated in Twilight (Rosalie Hale)Where stories live. Discover now