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Alright guys, I know this is not what you wanna see but I've got some bad news. No, I'm not discontinuing the book. I am, however, going to rewrite it because I have a better idea for the plot. The problem is that my motivation has dropped to an all time low. This year and last year have been extremely rough for me. As you've seen, I've been posting less and less frequently, and at this point I can barely get past writing a sentence before losing all motivation. It really sucks because I love writing, but I physically can't do it. My Chromebook also recently broke, but thankfully my stepfather gave me an iMac, which is amazing! 

I'm going to try my best to get these chapters written and posted, but it may take a while. Please bare with me! Once I finish the first chapter of the new plot, I'll post it and delete this version of the book, so read it while you can ig. 

Anyway, thanks for being patient with me and expect a new and cool plot soon :)

Edit: Thank you guys so much for the support! I was really putting off posting this A/N because I thought I was letting you guys down by doing this, but y'all have been so great. Thanks again for your patience! <3

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