"Yup. Exactly one year ago, exactly in this park, exactly in this spot I fell off my bike and fell on top of you. After I helped you up and apologized, you asked me if I was okay. I said I was because I wore all those protective gear and you said I was adorable." Ryosuke ended his little throwback story.

"Wow. You remembered all that?" Yuto was surprised about how much he remembered that day. All Yuto remembered was Ryosuke's name and a few broken bones.

"W-well it was some kind of unique experience." Ryosuke suddenly got nervous. He never forgot that day because it was the day he met Yuto. The day that changed his life.

"It was something that doesn't happen everyday." Yuto chuckled. They stayed lying on the grass for a few more hours then Ryosuke's stomach grumbled.

"Come on let's grab some dinner." Yuto said while standing up and dusting his pants. He extended a hand towards Ryosuke who was still lying down.

"Sure but it has to be your treat." Ryosuke said as he accepted Yuto's hand and stood up.

"Fine. Take off your skates too. It's hard to skate on grass." Yuto instructed him and he followed. They walked bare foot on the grass until they reached the pavement and wore their skates again.

"Where are we eating this time?" Ryosuke asked Yuto. A whole year of hanging out together, they almost went to every restaurant, cafe, fast food chain and food trucks available in Tokyo.

"How bout a hotel this time." Yuto suggested.

"A hotel? Can you only eat in a hotel and not stay there?" Ryosuke questioned him. Even though he works in a hotel restaurant, he doesn't put his nose in other people's business. He only does what he's suppose to do and that's cooking.

"Sure. There's nothing wrong with eating inside a hotel. They'll still have an income from it." Ryosuke saw Yuto's point and agreed to wherever he took him. They reached Yuto's car which was parked right outside the park and he opened the trunk. Inside were their shoes and they changed into those. After which they hopped inside the car and drove off to the hotel.

"I forgot to ask what hotel are we going to?" Ryosuke asked.

"You'll know when we get there." Yuto said with a smile. Ryosuke pouted because of it but then he let it go. He trusts Yuto's taste in food and he knows they'll eat somewhere nice and fancy. Yuto is rich anyway but Ryosuke is not using Yuto just to eat anywhere fancy.  30 minutes passed and they have arrived in front of the hotel. Yuto exited and rounded up to the other side and opened the door for Ryosuke.

"Thanks." Ryosuke said. He looked at the hotel and it was quite fancy with gold being it's theme for furnitures and decorations. Even the floors and walls were as shiny as gold.

"Hey Yuto, isn't this too much. It's too expensive here." Ryosuke reasoned out. Even if they split the bill it won't still cover it. Ryosuke was quite worried of spending too much on just a simple dinner.

"Don't worry. It won't even cost us a penny." Yuto grabbed Ryosuke's hand and pulled him beside him then walked inside the restaurant where a man in a Butler's uniform welcomed them.

"Welcome Nakajima-sama, I'll escort you to your reserved table." The man said. Ryosuke was surprised the way he addressed Yuto. It makes Ryosuke wonder if Yuto had royal blood in him or if his family is of high importance in society. They were seated in a window view of Tokyo. It was so beautiful with how the lights from the city complemented with the shining stars above.

"Just call me when you're ready to order sir." The waiter bowed his head and went back to his place.

"What do you want to eat?" Yuto asked Ryosuke who was still busy looking out the window.

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