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It has been a month since Ryosuke and Yuto met. They were just strangers but they could not forget each other. In every little thing they do, it reminds them of one another.

"Ryosuke!" Yuri hit him head hard with a roll of papers. Ryosuke looked at Yuri and he looked furious. You could see a vein popping on the side of his head.

"That hurts Yuri." Ryosuke pulled off this pout but Yuri has been with him for a long time that it does not affect him anymore.

"Well I wouldn't have hit you if you just pay attention." Yuri sighed. He knew what was going inside that crazy brain of his best friend. All month long since that day he bumped into Yuto, he had his own world.

"Is he really that handsome that you can't forget about him?" Yuri asked him crossing his arms over his chest and leaning on the wall.

"He's not only handsome Yuri." Ryosuke stood up from his chair and moved towards his dresser.

Yuri and Ryosuke had been friends for who knows how long. They always have sleep overs in each other's houses. This time it was Ryosuke's house that Yuri was crashing.

"He's like Prince Charming. Ready to sweep me off my feet." He was daydreaming again. Yuri could only roll his eyes at him.

"You only talked to him for a minute and you fell that instantly?"

"I am not in love with him... yet." He said the last part in a soft voice but Yuri's ears were as sharp as a bloodhound's.

"So you admit that you will fall in love with him?" Ryosuke did not respond. He just shrugged him shoulders and gave a sheepish smile to Yuri who was raising a brow at him.

"I don't know? I just met him. I want to know who he really is first."

"That's good because I don't want to hand you out to some prince Charming wannabe. I'll die from guilt if I do." Yuri was imagining what would happen if Yuto would turn out to be a pimple faced dweeb with a uni-brow and works at McDonald's and he just use too much Concealer to cover All of it. He just shivered at that thought.

"That's right... because you are my overprotective mom." Yuri gave a playful glare and pinched Ryosuke's cheeks hard. He was wincing in pain but Yuri continued on torturing his cheeks.

"Your overprotective mom just wants you to be happy." Yuri let him cheeks go and smiled at him.

"I know." Ryosuke returned back a smile and then his face was met with a pillow. Ryosuke then grabbed the pillow near him and hit Yuri in the head. They started their intense pillow fight and then they continued to party the whole night long.

The next morning, they woke up at 11 and it was already lunch time. Ryosuke's parents were out of town today so no one prepared them lunch. They decided to eat outside on a nearby restaurant.

"I'll have the Caviar steak and Lemon Lime Ice Tea." Yuri chose from the menu and the waiter took down his order.

"I'll go with the fried halibut with mash potato and blanched asparagus. Then for the drinks I'll have a strawberry ice tea."

"Hai. Your orders will arrive shortly." The waiter excused himself and went to the kitchen to relay the order.

They were sitting in a window seat so they could see people walking on the busy streets. Yuri was on his phone doing something while Ryosuke was looking out the window trying to find something or someone interesting.

His eyes were scanning the streets then suddenly he felt like his whole world just trapped him again. Flowers and sparkles were seen by Ryosuke. He could even hear romantic music surrounding him and a warm breeze.

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