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"How are you finding Hogwarts?" Asked Theo.

He moved his chess piece, they were sitting in the Slytherin common room on their own, everybody else was at quidditch or the library or in their dorms, so it was nice and peaceful.

"I love it here!" Annie exclaimed, "it's amazing, I think that I've properly settled in now."

"It's been just over a month now, so I'm not surprised. Do you miss your old friends?"

"Very much so," she sighed, "we've been writing to one another, but I suppose I'm just looking forwards to seeing them at Christmas."

"Yeah, I get that," Theo nodded, "I often miss my family - I know that's different, of course, but still."

"Me too, I miss mother and grandfather, and Martin."

"Are you and your grandfather close?" He asked curiously.

"Extremely. He's lived with us for as long as I can remember, he's like my best friend," Annie smiled, moving her chess piece.

"That's sweet," he chuckled, "I've never been particularly close with my grandparents. I have a large family, I s'pose, especially if you included the 'family' balls that pure blood balls are. I have many relatives, though I don't exactly consider many of them relatives."

"Most of the slytherins are related in some way," Annie said thoughtfully, "it's nice though. The whole house is like a little family, I've noticed - despite the few meaner people - that everybody kind of sticks together."

"Yeah. I think it's because everyone shares the same rivalry with Gryffindor. Slytherins don't really branch out to the other houses, we mostly only have each other."

"That's a shame, don't you think?"

"I guess. I mean, we all get on well with the Hufflepuffs so you could include them, but I like the bonds within our house itself, it's what makes us Slytherin. One of our traits is loyalty, I guess we all represent that."

"That's true," Annie nodded, "I'm friends with some of the Gryffindors. Maybe it's because I'm new and haven't been here since the beginning, and Beauxbatons didn't really have house rivalry."

"Understandable, but be friends with whoever you want," he shrugged, "you don't have to stick to stereotypes."


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