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The girls arrived back in their dorm a few hours later with their beds covered in packets of sweets and chocolates, each of them excited for the night ahead of them.

"It's so cold," Annie shivered, searching her trunk for fluffy pyjamas and thick socks, "Di, please don't tell me you're wearing shorts!?"

"I'm always hot at night, besides, going to bed cold is great! Instead of overheating, you get to cuddle up to your duvet!" Dianna exclaimed.

"And here I am sleeping with a heating spell on each night," Pansy sighed, shaking her head at Dianna.

"Me too, I remember when we found that spell just before Christmas of second year!" Daphne giggled.

"I'm going to go and get changed, I'll be back in a moment," Annie told her friends. Despite being at the school for almost a month now, she still wasn't comfortable getting dressed for bed in front of her dorm mates. Back at Beauxbatons, Annie and her friends would just get changed in their dorms instead of going to the bathroom, but they had known each other for years, it was different. She missed her Beauxbatons friends. Sure, she loved her Hogwarts friends, but everybody at Beauxbatons was so similar, they all seemed to understand all of her views and her liking towards fashion and shopping. She hoped to see them during the Christmas holidays, and also decided to write to a few of them.

She went into the bathroom and changed into her warm clothes, neatly folding her previous outfit and placing it down on the stool next to her. She brushed her hair and plaited it into neat, right braids, and wiped off the light makeup she had been wearing.

"Anne! Please paint my nails, I have this dark green colour that mum bought me in the summer, but every time I do it I always mess up!" Daphne complained as Annie walked back into the room and placed her clothes in her trunk.

"Of course, come sit!" Annie giggled, nodding towards her bed.

"Guys, I think that Draco and I will make it official soon! Did you see the outfit he wore to Hogsmeade today? He looked so good!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Pans, he was wearing a coat and a wooly hat, you could hardly see his outfit..."

"I know, I know, but he still looked great!"

"You're adorable," Dianna laughed, reaching towards a packet of chocolate stars and shoving a handful into her mouth.

"Shut up!" Pansy rolled her eyes, throwing a pillow at her.

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