#18- Talking to his mum

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“I’ve never seen him this happy,” Karen said. From your spot on the couch in Liam’s parents living room, you watched Liam talk with his dad outside, while they cooked on the barbecue. “Actually I remember seeing that smile the day he brought you here to meet us,” she continued, “and on your wedding day.” You looked back at his mum and smiled. “He is so excited about the baby,” you whispered, looking down at your rounded stomach. You ran your hands over its curve, feeling the baby wiggle around. “He tells everyone he sees that I’m pregnant, and he’s always bringing things home that he saw and had to buy,” you giggled. Karen moved closer to you and placed her hand on yours, making you look up at her. “I just-” you paused, tears filling your eyes, “I’m happy that I’m finally able to give him something that he has always wanted; a baby.” Karen rubbed your hand on your stomach and kissed your temple. “You have made everyone happy, not just him, daring,” she said, “but you can tell that he already loves him or her with all his heart.” She kissed your forehead, before going to check on dinner cooking. You looked back outside and locked eyes with Liam. His face lit up and he smiled; the one that crinkles his eyes and shows how happy he truly is and melts your heart.


“I don’t know how you did this Jay?” you asked, trying to get comfortable on the couch again, “Five pregnancies, twice with twins. I’m starting to struggle now.” She put her hand on your knee, giving it a gently squeeze. “It’s all worth it when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. I know it’s hard, but you are doing a wonderful job,” she reassured. You nodded and ran your hands over your baby bump. “I still can’t believe it,” you said smiling, “and neither can Lou.” A smile appeared on her face, proud that her little boy was becoming a father; having a little boy of his own. “Before I forget I got you something,” she said standing up and walking towards her bag. Moments later she returned with something behind her back. “Well actually it’s for Noah,” she said happily. She sat back down and placed a blanket on your lap. You smiled, picking up the soft fabric. “It was Louis when he was a baby. I remember keeping it, in hope one day his son could have it,” she explained. You nodded, feeling in between your fingers. “Wonder if he will love it as much as- Oh Daring, it’s alright, come here,” she said seeing tears fill your eyes. She pulled you into a hug, her hand rubbing your back gently. “I should of known; pregnancy hormones. Happy tears though?” she said. You nodded against her neck, “I think he will.”


“Come on Theo, big kick to Uncle Niall,” Niall said to his nephew as he put the football in front of the little boy and took a few steps backwards. You giggled, but watched in awe at the strong relationship they had developed. “I can’t wait to see how he goes with two of his own,” you said, smoothing your dress over your growing belly. “The two of them will be chasing him around the yard,” Denise smiled. “Then they will out number him,” Maura added. “But if he’s not there they will out number me,” you began to panic, thinking of when Niall has to go away on tour. “Don’t worry daring, you have lots of family and friends that will be there,” Maura soothed you, “and beside there are two of them and two of you.” You nodded, feeling the nerves disappearing a little. “Just look at him” Denise said, snapping you out of your thoughts. You looked up and smiled at Niall and Theo; his little legs kicked the football as hard as he could, making Niall cheer at the young boy. Theo’s smile grew wide and he ran towards Niall. Niall held open his hands and quickly caught him. You heard sniffles and looked over to Maura. She had tears forming in her eyes. “Maura, don’t cry, you will make me cry,” you said, rubbing a hand over her knee. “They are happy tears dear, I promise,” her accent stronger through the tears, “I just can’t wait to finally meet the twins.”


“Hi mum,” Harry greeted his mum excitedly. Anne had a few days off and decided to visit before the baby comes. “Where is she?” Anne said, walking past Harry and dropping her bag inside. “Y/N is in the kitchen,” he replied, a little hurt that his mum was more excited to see you than him. “Y/N,” she called out walking into the kitchen. As you turned around, Anne pulled you into a hug. “Oh look at you daring, you’re glowing,” she smiled, “pregnancy is treating you well.” You blushed and thanked her. “You should be sitting down and relaxing. Harry can finish making the tea,” she said, taking your hands and walking you into the living room. Harry rolled his eyes, but did as she said. “So daring, not long now. Have you got everything organised?” she asked. You smiled as you sat down, the soreness in your back and legs easing. “Yeah, her nursery is finished, although Harry keeps moving the furniture around,” you giggled, “I know he is nervous, but at the same time he can’t wait till she arrives.” “And what about you?” she asked. “I can’t wait to see her in Harry’s arms. I mean I’ve had her for months, it’s his turn,” you replied. As Harry made the tea, he looked up at you and Anne. His hurt and jealousy was replaced with a loving smile; he was so happy that his two most important girls were talking about his third.


“Are you ok love?” she asked, rubbing your back gently. You nodded and took s deep breath. “I’m just-the smell is just making me feel a little sick,” you replied. Trisha gave you a small smile and moved her hand to your back and walked you out of the cafe. “Fresh air sometimes helps,” she whispered, sitting down on a bench. You nodded and closed your eyes, feeling the nausea pass. “Hard candies also helped me when I was pregnant,” she said. She rubbed your arm comfortingly, smiling as the colour appeared back in your cheeks. “You know, I had the worst morning sickness when I was pregnant with Zayn,” she said. “That explains it,” you giggled, feeling a little better. “Besides the nausea, how are you feeling? How has Zayn been?” she asked. You smoothed your hand over your rounded stomach, smile growing. “Getting more tired lately and a sore back,” you paused, “but I love it when I feel our baby move. Little Malik has been so wiggling lately.” Trisha put her hand on your knee. “And Zayn loves rubbing his hands over the bump, hoping to feel movement. Oh and the other night, I heard him talking to them. It was adorable,” you explained, “Zayn has been beyond perfect.” “I’m glad he is looking after you both. I know he is so excited,” she smiled proudly; imagining her son and future grandchild.



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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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