#02- Baby's First Words

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"Niall!" Niall is immediately up at the sound of urgency in your voice. He throws off the covers and bounds from the bed to the babyroom where your voice is coming from.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong?" he asks, appearing out of breath in the doorway. Nothing looks out of the ordinary. Hailey is on the floor playing with her blocks while you sit across from her. Niall notices your watery eyes and goes over to you, wrapping you in his arms. "What happened?"

"Show Daddy what you can do, Princess," you say to Hailey quietly.

Her nose scrunches up before letting her cheeks puff out.


Niall's mouth drops.

"Did she just say..." You nod, letting the tears spill over. Niall picks up Hailey who's giggling uncontrollably. "Hailey, that was your first word! You said princess! My princess just said 'princess'!"


"Zayn can you feed Tyler for me? I'm swamped from work," you say, letting your tresses fall from their tight bun after a tiring day of work.

"No problem babe I'll also cook dinner for us, too. You just rest." You sigh in content as you feel Zayn's lips connect to your forehead before he heads to the kitchen. You collapse on to the couch, feeling the headache come on.

"Hey buddy," Zayn says, picking up Tyler from the playroom and bringing him to the kitchen highchair. "You're probably hungry aren't you? How about some of Daddy's cooking?"

Zayn goes over to the stove, hearing a small whimper from behind him.

"No!" Zayn pauses, slowly turning around. Tyler is pouting in the highchair with his tiny fists bawled up. "No!"

"Buddy did you just say, no?" Zayn gasps. "You said no!" He quickly grabs Tyler out of his chair and rushes to the living room to show you.


"Liam its your turn," you groan as you hear little Allie wailing again. Liam sighs, but does so. He stumbles his way across the hall to the nursery.

"Sweetie, it's okay. Daddy's here, no more tears," Liam coos gently, while carrying the infant from her crib. He sits in the big rocking chair in the corner of the room, soothingly tilting back and forth. Almost immediately Allie starts to calm down, making Liam smile. "That's it. Daddy's gonna be right with you until you fall asleep."

"D-Dada." Liam nearly drops Allie out of his arms in shock. "Dada!"

"You said Dad...Dada..." Liam says, letting the tears slip out. He contemplates whether or not to wake you for this precious moment. He decides to wait a few minutes and just gaze down at the tender child in his arms. The child he is proud to call his own.


"Come on, just say it! Lew-I!" Louis begs the child. Will just stares up at him with big eyes.

"You know you can't force him to speak," you say, glancing over at them playing on the floor from the couch. You flip through your magazine on tips for parenting. You two were still new at the parenting game and you wanted all the advice you could have.

"I know, but I can try," he says, giving you a cheeky wink before turning back to your son. You shake your head with a smile, going back to your magazine. Louis evidently gives up and decides to just watch cartoons instead.


"Stop trying Louis. He'll speak when he's ready," you say aimlessly.

"That wasn't me, darling." You look up from your magazine, seeing Will contort his face into different motions.

"Louise!" Louis bites his lip, trying desperately hard not to cry.

"He said Louis!" You cry. You go over to Louis on the floor and wrap your arms around him from behind as he sobs.

"I love you, I love Will. I'm so happy, you two make me so happy. You're all I'll ever need."


"Where's my boy?" Harry asks when you go on your nightly Skype call with Harry. He felt terrible for leaving you alone with your son as he had a World Tour.

You smile brightly, lifting Ed from playing next to you to on to your lap.

"Say hi to daddy!" you say, waving his hand around to his dad on the screen. You don't let Harry's sparkling expression go unseen the second he sees Ed.

"You have a surprise for daddy, don't you?" you coo, bouncing him on your lap.

"Surprise? What is it pal?" Harry asks, enhanced by the little boy on the screen.

"Mama!" Ed squeals. Harry slaps a hand over his mouth, his smile taking up a grand portion of his face.

"He's talking!" Harry gasps. You try to bite your lip to hide your smile. "I'm missing so much of his childhood." Your smile falters and Harry notices.

"We really miss you Haz," you say, hugging Ed closer to you. He's the only memory of Harry you have left as he is gone for so long. And it wasn't like you could go with him on tour whenever you wanted, you had Ed to think of now.

"It's settled, I'm taking the next flight back. I need to spend time with my family, the boys can hold up without me."



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