#16- Pregnancy Classes

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“Changing positions can not only ease the pain of labor, but can also help it progress faster,” the instructor smiled, “By using gravity to your advantage, you can encourage the baby to move down.” Liam held your hand in his larger one; rubbing his thumb over your knuckles softly. “Let’s try some different positions now,” she said. “Squatting is a great and effective one,” she said, demonstrating. You looked at Liam, who was sitting next to you on the yoga mat on the floor, silencing asking for help. He smiled and gently knelt beside you, taking your hands and helping you in a squatting position. “How’s that darling?” he whispered. You nodded but continued to hold onto his forearms to keep you steady. “Perfect everyone. Next one, kneeling. You can either have your hands on the floor in front of you or on your partner, leaning onto them,” she explained, standing up. You slowly let go of Liam and knelt on the ground. Panic flashed through Liam’s eyes and his hands were quickly on your waist helping you. “Careful sweetheart,” he said, “you alright?” You nodded, putting your hands around his shoulders, kneeling in front of him. “I like this one,” you said, kissing him lightly. He chuckled, “I’ll remember that, hopefully it helps in some way. I don’t want to see you in any pain.”


“How come you get to sit on the ball and I don’t,” Louis wined as you readjusted yourself on the giant yoga ball. “Because I’m the one who is pregnant,” you replied smiling. He rolled his eyes and looked down at the normal chair he was given to sit on. “But I don’t think I can keep my balance on it. I can barely walk straight with my growing stomach,” you giggled as the ball moved slightly from under you. Louis; head quickly snapped up and grabbed your waist, holding you still. “I’ve got you love,” he whispered, “don’t worry about a thing.” “So today, we will do some massage techniques that will help soon-to-be mum relax during labor,” the midwife said from the front of the room. “During labor, she may have back pain as the baby begins moving down, so by applying pressure to her lower back dad’s can relive some of it,” she explained, moving her hands show the movements. Louis put his hands on your lower back and begun rubbing his thumbs in circles. “That feels so good Lou,” you whispered, closing your eyes. He chuckled and pressed a little harder, moving his hands up your back slightly. “mmm,” you hummed. “I think you are enjoying this a little too much,” he smiled. “Just hope it helps when I’m in labor. And he doesn’t cause trouble like his father,” you whispered smiling.


“Rhythmic breathing during labor maximises the amount of oxygen getting to you and your baby. These breathing exercises can also help you cope with the pain of contractions.” the midwife said slowly. You looked around the room at all the couples; pregnant mothers sitting in between their partners legs. Niall wrapped his arms around you, rubbing over your baby bump lightly. You leaned back against his chest, relaxing under his touch. “When you are tense or frightened, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid and your muscles feel tight. If you panic, you start over-breathing; breathing in short, sharp gasps,” she explained. Niall rested his hands on the peak of your stomach and kissed your temple. “Now, try this. Partners do it to; breathe with each other,” she smiled, “Breathe in, then a slight pause, before you breathe out, then pause before you breathe in again.” You followed her with Niall behind you. After a few breaths, he started getting really into it. “Come on Princess, don’t stop,” he said before taking another breath in. You tried to, but started giggling. Niall held your waist, as you covered your mouth with your hand so no one would hear you. “Hee hee, Haa haa,” Niall repeated, making you laugh harder. “Come on darling, I don’t hear you breathing,” he smiled.


‘Welcome back everyone,“ the midwife said from the front of the room, "Today will we be going over some things to help with looking after your newborn baby.” You looked at Harry who was sitting beside you. He smiled and kissed your cheek lightly before listening to the midwife again. “So on the tables you are sitting at, you will see some baby dolls, blankets, diapers and things. Let’s see how well you know how to care for a baby,” she said, nodding for everyone to start. You sat there, looking at the doll nervously. Harry sensed your mood change and kissed your forehead. “Baby, it’s alright. We can do this. Together yeah?” he whispered. You nodded and watched him pick up the diaper and slowly put it on the doll. You heard the midwife walking around the room, giving soon-to-be parents tips on what they were doing. “You look like a natural, Haz,” you smiled. Harry giggled, laying the blanket flat and placing the doll towards the top corner. “Bottom up, right side over, left side around, tight enough so they can’t wiggle out,” he whispered to himself. “How about that sweetheart?” he asked, cradling the doll like a real baby. You giggled as the midwife stopped beside your table. “Good job Mr Styles,” she said happily, “nice and snuggly and not too tight, perfect.”


“So there you have it, that’s basically what’s happens during labor and delivery,” the class instructor said, turning off the tv. “The birthing partner will be there to encourage the mother and help her through labor,” she said, looking around the room. Zayn moved beside you but his hand stayed on your lower back. “They will give both emotional and physical support,” she continued, “Emotional is being there for her; praising or comforting, letting her know that you are there for her. Physical is the breathing, relaxation and massage techniques that you will learn in these classes.” You turned to look at Zayn, your eyes widening. “Z, are you alright?” you whispered, gently stroking his pale cheek. He nodded and swallowed hard. “Just a lot of information to take in,” he replied just above a whisper. “I told you it wasn’t a good idea to come,” you said, moving your hand his to forearm. “Just please be ok when I’m actually in labor,” you said, looking back at the instructor talking. “I need you. I can’t do it by myself,” you continued talking more to yourself than him. Zayn took some deep breaths, feeling a little better. He leaned his head on your shoulder, as his hands on your rounded stomach. “I promise I’ll be there with you; the whole time,” he whispered and kissed your cheek, “at least now I what to expect.”



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