As she was going through her charts, Hikaru called her and Reign didn't hesitate to answer. When she answered it, it wasn't Hikaru on the phone, it was her husband instead. He sounded urgent and like he didn't know what to do.

"I'm sorry to call you out of the blue doctor but Hikaru has been having contractions since last night." he said, his voice quivering. "Can you just come and check to make sure everything is fine so we can have peace of mind?"

"Of course." she answered, getting up straight away and packing her doctors bag. "I'll be there within five minutes. You caught me at a good time."

She could hear his smile through the phone. "Thank you. We'll see you when you get here."

He hung up the phone and Reign finished packing her bag with the maternity items needed just in case Hikaru is going into early labor and left her house in a hurry. She passed several Soma's on the way since it was early in the afternoon and she greeted them all with urgency. At some point she started nearly running to get to Hikaru's house and made it there before five minutes had even passed. She let herself catch her breath and fixed her bangs before knocking on the door.

Within a few seconds, the door opened and Hikaru's husband opened it quickly. He wanted to greet her but couldn't exactly do so because of how panicked he was while carrying little Rei in his arms so Reign smiled sweetly and let herself in.

"Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be fine." she soothed, making him take a deep breath and relax.

He took a deep breath and calmed down. "I don't want to stress her out so can you take over?"

Reign rubbed Rei's cheek and Rei smiled widely. "I can. You and Rei go have a little drink and some daddy daughter time. I'll yell if anything happens that you need to know."

He nodded and bowed his head before leaving Reign. Reign walked into their bedroom and saw Hikaru breathing through a contraction. Reign smiled at Hikaru and set down her bag, letting Hikaru know it was her in the room. She opened her eyes and immediately relaxed as she saw Reign beginning to pull out the ultrasound machine of her bag and her stethoscope.

"Your husband told me you've been feeling contractions since last night." Reign said, sitting down on the chair on their room as she hooked the machine up. "On a scale of one to ten, how bad are they?"

Hikaru took a deep breath and exhaled. "A five or six? They aren't too painful. Maybe it's because I've already been through one labor."

Reign put her stethoscope on and lifted up Hikaru's shirt enough so she could see her belly, putting the stethoscope on her stomach and feeling around to hear how the baby was doing inside. Nothing sounded too out of the ordinary but just to be sure, she wrapped a monitor around her belly and poured the ultrasound gel on her stomach so she could see inside and get a clearer sound for a heartbeat.

Reign and Hikaru both looked at the tv and Reign squinted her eyes, looking at the how the baby was laying and how it was positioning its head. Something about it looked different from usual.

"Hikaru," she started, pausing briefly. "Have you felt a pinch in your cervix or felt any pressure that isn't a contraction?"

"No. Why do you ask?" she asked, panic filling her voice.

Reign turned her head and kept a calm expression on her face. "It's nothing. If I don't ask these questions I can't help so please calm down Hikaru. I'm going to check your cervix real quick so bear with it if you feel uncomfortable."

Reign SomaWhere stories live. Discover now