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Alexa rest his side head to the window while closing her eyes right now she just wish that she never had to moved out from that house. Hearing the break cracking up making her closing her eyes more tighter."Honey, we're here" her mom spoke and look at her. She sigh and open the door getting out of the car. She turned her back to see the big mansion and her eyeballs almost fall out with her mouth gaped open looking towards the mansion "is this a dream?????" She look towards her mother which is smiling looking at her daughter reaction. Her mother hugged her gently "im sorry you gotta leave our old house just to satisfy me, your stepfather really gave me a new life to live honey and I don't hope you to understand your silly mom" her mother patted her back and hair. "It's okay mom, you don't have to say that and for sure I'll do anything for your happiness" says Alexa with slightly teary eyes then she break the hug and look away.

"Welcome home Madame, young lady" suddenly a middle aged guy came and greet them with a half bow. "Thank you Mr. John, oh and this is my daughter Alexandra Brown" Say's Adeline while patting Alexa's back. Alexa look towards the middle aged guy and blinks thinking what action is she suppose to show "em hhh..hhi errr he..hello" Say Alexa while she look at the ground "why am i so awkward" alexa talking in her mind while scratching her back neck. She take a deep breath then bow and gesture her hand for a handshake "my name is Alexandra Brown but you can call me Alexa if you want"

Mr John look at Alexa with a lot of questions and confusion in his
mind then take Alexa's hand for handshake "unfortunately i would love it if i could serve you and adress you as a young lady of this house" he continues while letting go Alexa's hand. "Er er but it's akward no one ever called me young lady before and I don't think it suits me" Alexa's replied while looking at Mr john "my name is John Buckham, you can call me Mr John or Mr Buckham i am the butler of this house and I've been serving master Ethen for 20 years now, I'm in charge with everything in this house and my master so i hope you can live here comfortably without any problems" added Mr John while putting his hand to his chest.

"John can you take her to her room and shows her around this mansion i need to check on my husband now" says Adeline while walking away from them. "My pleasure madame, so young lady lets get going this way young lady" says Mr John and making a gesture to let Alexa walk first. Alexa just do what the butler say and the first place "i heard from the madame that you love nature, so my master prepare a suprise for you but for now let me shows you around okay Young lady?" Alexa just nodded her head while looking around and her expression did not change since she first step into that mansion untill Mr John take her to backyard where the garden full of flowers filling the side of pathway they're walking. The flowers started to snatch Alexa's attention she started to smile little by little suddenly Mr John stop in front of big shelter at the end of the pathway. Alexa look towards Mr John he isn't just standing he go close to the door and open it "go ahead young lady" he says while bowing once again to Alexa. Alexa was a bit confuse but she enter the house but once again her eyesballs almost pop out of her face and her mouth is gaped open seeing what inside of that big shelter.

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