Chapter four

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Hello guys! This chapter is a tad bit short so please forgive me! The next chapter will be a filler chapter. In it, you will spend your whole day taking care of Lloyd. Anyways hope you will get to enjoy this.

The duo was currently working in the mines. Lloyd was looking for coal so that he would not need to strip the forests bare of their trees for their wood. While they were working in the mines you had a lot of time at your disposal. It was the perfect opportunity to make them the clothes.

You observed that Lloyd usually didn't like wearing extravagant clothing so you decided to make him something more casual. You decided to stick with his usual color pallet which was brown, when you looked over his clothes one last time you felt that something was missing. You immediately got some more fabric and began sewing. You decided to add green accents to the coat and blouse you made for him. You thought that he would look stunning in his new clothes.

For Javier, you decided against making his clothes, but you did make him something. You saw that his sheath was a little old and you decided to make him a new one. You picked the finest materials you could find and you even ended up sewing some flowers on it. You also went and bought a scabbard for him. It was a simple one and you wanted to paint on it so you did. You also painted flowers to match both of them. You hoped he would like them.

Now that the men's gifts were done you just needed to give the items to them the next morning.

Suddenly you heard a commotion coming from the Lord's study, it was so loud that you could hear what they were saying.

"What?! Wild ants?! And what happened to Lloyd?!" Lloyd's father yelled frantically as you heard him putting his armor on. You simply could not remain at the estate waiting for them so you decided to quickly change into something that you could move more freely in and rush after them.

 You simply could not remain at the estate waiting for them so you decided to quickly change into something that you could move more freely in and rush after them

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(Again if you don't like it you can imagine something else. This is only for the readers that don't know what to make their OC wear or are just too lazy to imagine outfits.)

Arriving in the mines you were the first to grab a torch and carelessly run around in hopes of finding them. The other people quickly caught up to you and you all began searching. You could not let Lloyd die. You could not let your father's wish die.

The search was long and full of anxiety. You didn't know who you would encounter first. The live ants or the two men who went missing. You walked carefully, looking at the ground. Your only priority was focusing on your hearing. Maybe you would hear them.

One step, two steps, three steps, you took no more than three steps before you saw them. Lloyd carrying an unconscious Javier on his back. To think that you could run so fast just in time to catch both of them.

It could almost be a romantic scene if you weren't filled with worry and they weren't on the verge of death. Lloyd's head was on your chest while he gripped your arms with the last bit of the strength he had before he also fell unconscious. Javier was on top of the engineer his body covered in wounds.

You didn't know what to do besides hug them. You whispered to your husband sweet nothings as you promised him you will turn the estate into gold if he woke up, you told him how handsome he was and that you would give him the life he dreamed of, he just needed to wake up.

You broke down crying while holding them, your tears dropping on Lloyd's face. You wanted them to wake up the moment you catch them in your arms. You knew you were being selfish but you did not give a flying fuck about it.

You didn't want to let anyone touch them. You wanted to carry them yourself back home but unfortunately, you could only carry one of the men.

You carried Lloyd like a husband would carry his wife after they kissed at the altar. You made sure to get a firm grip on him. You laid his head on your shoulder and you held him as close to you as you could.

The walk to the estate was quiet, and you preferred it that way. You requested the servants to guide you to a room with double beds and to immediately call a doctor. You refused to leave their side.

The moment Javier opened his eyes he was bombarded with love care and affection. You viewed him as your little brother and you were thankful that he knew that. For the first day of his recovery, you didn't let him move a muscle. You brought him to the bathroom and ordered servants to bathe him. You brought his food that you carefully prepared and you even spoon-fed him. Fortunately, he was a strong man and he recovered in no time.

Lloyd's condition was another story. To put it in simple words he was only sleeping at that point. His wounds were almost healed, but he still had some bruises here and there. You never left his side. You slept by his bed while waiting for him to wake up. You were worried sick for him.

One faithful day Lloyd decided to wake up from his peaceful slumber, and oh boy he wish he didn't.

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