Chapter three

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Hello guys! How are you all? Hope you guys are well. The next chapter will have a place around episode 10 of the webtoon. That chapter will have a lot of interactions with other characters, maybe even some fluff (still thinking about that.) Anyways hope you enjoy this have a rest of a beautiful day/afternoon/night!

The day of the duel finally arrived. Lloyd was supposed to fight Sir Neuman. You were not anxious, contrary you were confident that your "husband" would win. You had seen him train every night and work for the estate every day.

You decided to wear something simple but flattering. After all, you made all your clothes, you learned how to sew because you never liked many dress designs and always had a wild imagination. You decided on one of your most modest dresses, not forgetting to add your gloves and then accessories.

 You decided on one of your most modest dresses, not forgetting to add your gloves and then accessories

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(This is what you are wearing if you don't like it then you can imagine something else.)

You considered this to be a modest and simple outfit. After you got dressed you headed to the training grounds where to duel between the knight and the engineer would have a place. Then the weirdest thing of your life happened. A kid approached you. "Why are you dressed so fancy today? Are you going to the royal palace?" You stared at the kid with a dumbfounded expression. This was one of the most casual outfits you have ever created in your entire life. Perhaps you stared too long at the kid without saying anything and his mom came rushing at the poor child and scolded him for interrupting you from your walk. You looked around and saw that many people were looking at your dress. Then you realized that maybe your standards for clothing were a little too high for the people of this particular estate.

That aside you resumed your walk. It was not hard to find the location because almost everybody was present to witness the duel. Once you arrived Javier immediately spotted you and insisted that he will escort you to where the other Fronteras were. "I still don't think that you marrying master was a good decision." The knight said as he looked over his shoulder at you. "Then what should I have done?" You answered looking to your left only to see that your business husband arrived with a shovel in hand. "I promised my father I will fulfill his wish. I am a woman of my word after all" You only stared at Lloyd making Javier also look at him. "You could have picked someone better than him." The young knight answered. You could only smile at him. "Don't worry about me, young knight. I made this decision myself and I don't regret it." He said nothing more and only helped you up. If you were not paying close attention you almost would have missed the worried look plastered on the man's face.

With Javier's help, you entered the small wodden box that was a little elevated off the ground. You were a bit nervous because this would be the first time meeting Lloyd's parents, but his father already knew you, and they were both informed of your's and Lloyd's situation. The moment you entered the wooden box you greeted both of them with a bow. "Greetings to the Lords of the Frontera household."  You said respectfully as you stood back up and straightened your clothes. They both looked at each other as if having a conversation that only they could understand with their eyes. Suddenly they both hugged you. "Oh my dear, there is no need to be so formal with us. You are one of us after all." Said Lloyd's mom. His dad only patted you on the head a smile was present on his face.
"You truly are the spitting image of your father" At his words you almost started crying. You loved your father very dearly.
"Thank you very much." You answered simply. The lord of the estate motioned you to sit next to his wife and you did.

Lloyd's father finally announced the beginning of the duel and at first, you thought that Lloyd was taking this seriously, but after he started bouncing on his shovel up and down you realized you had too much hope in him. The duel ended up with Lloyd winning. You never doubted that he would win, you only doubted how seriously he would take it.

Then he revealed it. His trump card, he made the lord look under the cloth that covered the table. There were many letters most of them including the estate's affairs. For the knight's punishment, Lloyd proposed that a mouse should be dropped on the man's head. If he were to be hurt by the mouse the knight would be exiled if he would not get hurt by it, his rank would be taken away from him and he would need to repent for his actions.

For a second you thought that Lloyd was showing mercy but that was too lenient of him. Once you saw the mouse that was bigger than the estate your suspicions were confirmed. He never planned on giving him a second chance and in your opinion he didn't deserve it. So you were proud of him. You wanted to congratulate him so after the mouse returned to its normal form you got out of the wooden box and headed toward him.

-"So what did you think about my fight with that guy?" Lloyd said as he wore a proud look on his face. He looked and acted like a thug. Nevermind that. You answered with a calm look, looking at the squished knight. "You did great, although his punishment was too light in my opinion. You could have hurt him a bit more,  for what he has done he deserves it." At that moment Lloyd was proud to have you as his business wife. Then Javier came and said that you need to go back to the estate and rest.

The way back home was fairly quiet. Javier and Lloyd did not speak, and truthfully you did not want to start a conversation either. In your opinion small talk was the root of all evil, it was a curse sent from hell, and only extroverted people weren't affected by it.

Suddenly you saw a shop that was selling fabrics and you stopped in your tracks. You needed to go into that store immediately. You bolted towards the store ignoring both of the men's cries of confusion. When you entered your eyes began to sparkle. You bought almost every fabric from there, leaving the store owner speechless . Before either one of the men could enter the shop you were already out, arms full of all kinds of fabrics. "Javier come help me carry these, and be careful not to drop them, and if you do I will have your head served on a silver platter." You said to the knight with a smile but your expression didn't match your words. The knight quickly came to help you, not daring to say a word or complain. Lloyd only gulped, fear started creeping on him. He wanted to say something but decided against it.

Little did the men know that most of those fabrics were for them and not for you.

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