"6 years ago? How old were you- ?" Phoenix askes baffled.

"Guess." Evie giggled, feeling the alcohol. No one answered in fear she was much older than she looked or much younger.

"But my knowledge is not malicious.I was simply hiding you." She told him honestly; Kings brow lifted at this. Phoenix noticed how she never answered him about her age. He assumed that meant she was young, probably too young to drink.

"Hiding us from...?" He clarified.

"Who do you think." Evie scoffed. Phoenix sat up in the seat adjacent.

"Her father" Phoenix said allowed.

"Ding ding ding." Evie whispered, smiling to the boy her age. Phoenix smiled back to her. She looked away.

"Why were you hiding us?" Kingsley asked .

"Your precious SIA is something that papa would have.. tried to get rid of." Evie tells them.

"I like your organization, what you stand for. Russia needs one of you. I didn't want your organization to go away." She admits letting a bit of her sadness show as she tilts her head back onto the plane head rest. But she was only telling a partial truth.

"Plus king, If I killed you there would be no one to to pass on your eyes- god- theyre brilliant. I've never seen eyes so blue.." She whispered leaning into king who stopped breathing for a second- thrown off.

She leaned back and readjusted.

"Im gay-" Kingsley stood and walked away, only to return with a small a blanket for her.

"Thank you, King- and ...apologies.." She answered- feeling bad, she leaned forward formally.. He was shocked that she used his first name and from the look Phoenix was giving him, so was he. No one called him by a nickname except his team. He watched her curl into the blanket and his thoughts turned someplace they shouldn't.

"I hate to inform you that my name is kingsley." He corrects after a moment.

"But if I call you King it makes you seem your age-..Loosen up. Youre only 24. Not 44." Valkyrie whispers, now fully feeling the effects of the alcohol. Phoenix can't help the snicker that arises in his throat, only for Kingsley to stare him down.

"How did you know my age?" He asked.

"I Googled you- " She admits with a wide smile- clearly drunk. She was completely relaxed at this point.

"Sooo,your highness, my King.." She goes to say in play, just to irritate him. His eyes twitch in annoyance at the brat infront of him. He calls himself with a breath.

"Were in a plane and I would like it if you would at least un handcuff me until we land.." She asked. Kingsley looked to Phoenix then back to Evie.

"Very well." He watches as as he went to grab the keys she simply pulled her arms apart, snapping the cuffs.

"What-" He began. She ignored his questioning look and took the blanket around her and curl up, Falling asleep with cuffs around her wrists. Kingsley watched the girl fall asleep, the small lion in her grip and couldn't stop thinking about how adorable he found her. Plus it helped she was very intelligent, besides the obvious connection to the Russian mob, Kingsley liked this girl. More than he should.

"How did she?" Kingsley asked Phoenix.

"I have no idea?" Phoenix responded.

Kingsley settled for the links were broken and lifted his feet to rest on the butt of the chair Evie was curled in and he found himself reading peacefully, enjoying the calm air between his family. This calmness was rare for their team, and he was expecting the detained to throw a fit like their intel had described. Just who was Valkyrie.

...And how did she know so much.

"She spotted me.." Asher brings up as he walks from his bedroom on the plane, he had just showered, as he was dusty form air vents. He decided to inform the group only after seeing an intoxicated girl asleep in the chair.

"What do you mean?" Phoenix asked.

"She avoided every shot I took." Asher turned his camera to Phoenix who search through the photos Asher took, and he was right, he didn't get her face in any shot.

"The only way she could have done that was if she saw me. She's good. Really good." Asher informed them. The smile on his face evident. Asher sat right onto phoenix's lap who sighed and held him close. Asher smiled to his fiancé with a smirk. Phoenix reached up and ran a hand into ashes hair, causing him to lean into his touch.

"I had half a mind to let her kill Mr. Romanov.." Phoenix admitted out loud with a sigh. Asher leans all the way back and kisses his forehead upside down.

"Not letting her may come back to bite us in the ass, my dear." King agreed. They all nodded. But they had morals, and the SIA didn't condemn killing people.

Nile was in the pilot's seat, ear cuff freshly on, listening in to his lovers team. The detainee must be a problem. He thought to himself. He decided not to question it as he needed to fly another 3 hours home. He put the ear phone back in. Helping him focus.






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