Backstory part one

Start from the beginning

Though terrified, she stayed quiet, realizing she was in a real dog kennel. No tears falling from her eyes, but she was stiff in fear. She was shocked when she was loaded into the bottom of something she realized was a plane of some sort from the noises. No other noises, no other children from the lack of crying.

When the plane landed, the first thing that hit her was the change in temperature, and how quick it was. It was bone chilling cold and there was a certain dryness to the air she wasn't used to. She stayed silent still, through taunting yells of men who loaded the cage she was in onto a crate and carried her a long, cold mile into a warehouse.

Her knuckles were white as she gripped her book harder as the doors of the warehouse creaked open. Her eyes were wide with fear. The reality setting in as she was rolled into the far right of the building. Other children crying in the background as the doors opened.

She watched as they taunted her and others. They called her names, spit on her, push her cage around, throw it to the ground, asking her if she was stupid, or unintelligent due to her unresponsive nature.

She learned quickly that the men watching all the cages are on a schedule and with her rapidly growing self-preservation skill. She watches and learns the way of their paths and their rounds and learns that the guard believes she is so scared that he's taunting the children to leave, leaving their cages open.

Time passes in hazes of hunger and the urge to urinate. She quickly became unsure how long she was in the warehouse. She was fed only two apples a day, sometimes a couple of bread slices. Never water. She was dizzy and became horrified every time she had to relive herself in the corner of the cage. It was humiliating.

Her book was her only solace as she read it over and over until one day a small creak drove her eyes zup. IT was two girls, cage neighbors. They were older than her by at least 10 years and her eyes widened.

Her eyes fell as she watched the two teenagers try to escape. She shut her book watching, wanting to yell at them to stop. The girls were walking the wrong way, but Stevie was too scared to speak up. She was not the only one watching as soon children everywhere went silent as a mouse.

The girls did one thing wrong after another. They were in the center of the cages. They were seen from every cage. That and Stevie could hear their heavy footsteps from her cage 30 feet away.

Soon a long noise was heard. A shot and screams erupted from the girls. The man shot one in the leg. The second girl took off running screaming no over and over.

The girl watched and ran past Stevie's cage this time, making eye contact as something shiny lifted into the air. It came down hard and Stevie flinched back as a bat came down on the teenage girls head. Blood spattering everywhere.

The girl Layed dead- her head busted open in front of her. The girls blood on her. She didn't move, she didn't look at the man, her eyes were frozen on the body. Her body winced as the others began to scream and cry louder. Stevie had witnessed death already, four times in the last year. Her mother would invite men and women over to get high. The child was no stranger to bleaching the floor for her parents.

Her patience was a god send, and she waited, in silent horror, as 4 men ganged up on a group of the older girls who were still alive and had gone the opposite way as the first two.

Holding the dead girl, who's brain was falling out in pieces on the floor, an older man dragged her towards the newly captured girls to taunt them. The 5 year old watched with horror filled eyes as she saw things no child should see happen to the girl who was alive. Things that brought a true fear to Stevie's eyes.

But she knew in the screams of pain that it was time to go with this new distraction. She snuck out her cage, the door creak less, she was unsure how, but was thankful. She tucked the book into her pant front, ensuring no evidence of her departure was noted. She tip toed around the blood pooling by her cage and she walked into the darkness by the stairs.

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