Chapter 16 - Blood Sports

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CW: violent, upsetting scene

Aidan woke up in pitch darkness. He tried to stand up and immediately hit his head. He tried to get out and push at the metal box holding him inside. He couldn't see any holes. It was hard to breathe in here. He reached in his pocket for his phone, but it had gone. Where was he? He couldn't remember anything! Was this a nightmare?

'Hello,' he yelled, but immediately realised this was a mistake. He felt something hot between his legs. Oh no. He had pissed himself. Whoever it was, was going to leave him here. He should have gone to the gym more often, should have gone for more runs, then maybe he could get out of this situation. He remembered finishing his shift, sitting down at the bus stop; after that, he couldn't remember anything else.

If only he hadn't argued with his mum before he went to work. If only he hadn't taken the piss out of that new guy at work last week. He was such a dick wasn't he. He'd been texting Summer, hadn’t he? What if she'd messaged him again and he hadn't replied?

'Hello, Aidan,' said a voice he couldn't see. He felt his blood run cold. Where had he heard that before? Then the metal door slid vertically open with a clank. He tried to pull himself to his feet. The light disorientated him and something was stabbing into the back of his neck. He felt sick. Twisting round, Aidan saw there were seats round one side. The floor was covered with sand. Above the seats was written 'Property of the Taurine Club of Kensington.'

There was a chandelier on the ceiling that looked expensive. The walls were covered with stuffed animal heads. Three bulls, an elephant, a lion, two horses, a giraffe, a moose, a tiger, a leopard - and then a cat. Aidan gasped, sank to his knees, trying to stop himself throwing up. He put his hand round the back of his neck and felt some sort of ribbon attached to a metal object. He gave it a tug and it didn't come out, just drenched his hand in blood. He winced in pain.

'Gonna let me go then, you fucking pervert,' Aidan shouted, panic rising inside him as he tried to stand up, disorientated and nauseous. He yanked at the ribbon again, hard. This time it came off in his hand. Warm blood ran down his neck and on his hands. Aidan felt faint and sick. He was looking at a metal dart attached to a green and pink rosette, sticky with blood. He ripped the rosette away and stuffed the dart in his pocket, feeling lightheaded and faint. He took his hoodie off and started tying it around his neck. It hurt too much to tie it tightly, and the fabric became soaked when he pressed hard.

'What's all them animal heads? You gonna add me to your taxidermy collection or summat you weirdo?' Aidan knew he had to keep this nonce talking, he'd seen it on the murder programmes his mum liked watching. He couldn't see an exit. The sand on his hands was stinging him. He was so hungry. He needed to drink something. It was hot in here. There was no way out.

'You said you wished I'd been gored by a bull,' a posh voice spat, he couldn't see him. His voice was full of hate. What? In spite of his fear and agony Aidan started laughing. It was such a mental thing to say.

'You what now?' Aidan gasped. He couldn't see the prick. But he recognised his voice from somewhere. Then the man strode out from behind a painted wooden board near the animal heads. He seemed to come from nowhere. He had two massive yellow sticks in his hands. He was wearing one of those glittery outfits those pricks in Spain did when they -

Oh. Oh yeah.

'I know who you are, you're that politician. Well, it's true, I wish you had been, cunt, wish it gored you all to death. Game for sick bastards.' Aidan was sweating. His top was becoming loose. He knew he had to fight back. He could hardly breathe. As he attempted shakily to get to his feet, Henry kicked him hard in the stomach. The air was knocked out of him. He tried to feel in his pocket for the dart. His hand clenched around it. He could grab it and stick it in this fucker and then try and run.

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