Part 7 - No Rest for the Wicked

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Welcome back folks! Quick disclaimer as always. I only own the story, and the characters belong to their rightful owner(s). Let's write something a little less depressing now shall we?

You walk towards your bathroom and look in the medicine cabinet for some Aspirin with a sigh, grabbing the bottle and slipping it into your pocket for later. You knew the headache was gonna be a bitch when the hangover kicked in

(You)"Todays the last day of work before the weekend at least, thank God."

You say as you yawn and sit back down on the couch, grabbing a glass of water and turning the tv on for some background noise as you go about being bored.

(You)"I really haven't been doing a whole lot now that I think about it. I really just work and sleep it feels"

You mumble to yourself as you look out the window at the city again as you debate what you could actually go do

(You)"'I never realized how little I actually got out of the house in this city. Even before I worked at the convention"'

You think to yourself with a sigh, grabbing your wallet and heading out into the city yet again, but this time to go find somewhere fun instead of just more work. You don't need long before you eventually find some signs pointing towards some cafes that would probably be open. You make your way towards them as you think to the last time you actually went to a cafe

(You)"'It must have been one time when the wifi was out at home, but the cafe next door said it was still open. What was that place called again? The Spider's Web or something."'

You say mentally as you walk by a group of cars travelling in various directions, the sight being quite different when you're not within the clump of people racing to get to work. You look away from the cars and continue down the sidewalk until you come across a building you hadn't seen before. It was small, and the sign out front advertised it as a building called 'The Bean's Knees'

(You)"I doubt it's too bad. Let's try it"

You say as you walk into the building, seeing a small interior that was still pretty dead. Dead outside of the sole visible employee at the counter

The employee gives a tired smile and a wave as you walk in, you reciprocating uncomfortably

(Employee)"Welcome to The Beans Knees! What would you like to have?"

She asks as you walk up and look at the small menu behind her

(You)"Well, I guess just a black coffee to start and a bagel with a fried egg on it?"

you say as she writes down your order and nods

(Employee)"Anything else?"

(You)"No thank you."

(Employee)"Alright well you are ticket number 1! Lucky person you are!"

She says with a grin as you crack a small smile, going to go sit down at one of the tables. The window beside the table showed the city surrounding it, including the birds flying all around the rooftops. You lean back in your seat and take a deep breath, the fresh air doing wonders for your mood when paired with the early morning sunlight

You are pulled back into the building as a plate taps the table in front of you, almost making you jump as you see the girl behind the counter walk back towards the counter. You look down and see the simple, yet appetizing looking meal. You reach for the coffee and take a sip, the bitter drink washing over your tongue in a much more enjoyable way than just straight booze did

You quickly finish the meal, walking back up to the counter to pay

(Employee)"How was everything?"

(You)"Fantastic really, thank you"

One Man's Hell: A FNIA Fan StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz