37. it was a girl

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"I don't want Angelo going through that pain, i saw what it did to that traitor, those screams, i don't even want to imagine Angelo's voice" i say poking the plate of rice in front of me

"You don't have a choice baby" dadu says from beside me as he fed me rice from his plate

'Yeah, it is Angelo's choice" Xander butted in

"Hmm" i hum while chewing totally not agreeing with the idea

"Boss, raj is back and is making a havoc in front of the gate to let him in" the guard said

"Raj as in Rajesh mamu?" i ask with a small hope

I haven't seen him in ages

"Yes, go on, get him" he says passing me a smile

I run to the door and open it with a bang with all my force with a smile on my face and as soon as his eyes landed on my i jump into his arms

"I missed you" i shout as i have him in a death grip

"Rani?(queen)" he says shocked but hugging me back with the same amount of force

"Is it really you? Rani? Where is my raja?(king) Ya allah i missed you two so much" he say

"It's me, i am here" i say barley holding my sobs in

"Here, let me look at you" he says putting me don and cuing my face seeing me from top to bottom and then hugging me again

"You have grown into a wonderful lady, your mamu is very proud of you" he says as i hug him tighter

"Hands off my sister" Xander growls as mamu chuckles and leaves me for a second only for him to scoop me in his arms like a baby twirling me in the air making me laugh out loud

"I am not a kid anymore mamu" i say between laughter

"Your laughter says otherwise kid" he say stopping

"Who is this guy?" Xander asked clearly pissed off

"My uncle" i say

"Oh.."' the displeasure clearly heard in his voice

"Why don't we have a seat and talk?" dadu says as we all go into the living room to sit

As soon as we sit the silence takes over

"Where is my raja(king)?" mamu asks referring to Angelo

"Italy" i say

"You did not bring him?" he asked quite shocked "he allowed you to be alone? He is quite overly possessive of you" he said

"He hasn't remembered anything" i say

"Ohh, the accident still has side effects" he says

"You were keeping tabs on us the whole time?" i ask

"No, it was impossible, you were quite hard to find especially after your.. You know, official..." he trail off

"What?" i ask completely clueless

"Marking" he says pointing to the flower poster on the wall

Ohh, the lotus assassination group

Ohh" i say

"What?" both Xander and Jack say t once

"I will tell you later" i say not wanting to talk about it

After that we had dinner and Xander and jack got close to mamu and dadu

Right now we are at the living room discussing weapons when mamu suddenly spoke out loudly

"Oh my god, i totally forgot" he says making me look at him

"Wait a minute, i got something for you" he says and runs upstairs

After a while he comes back with a small box

"What is in it?" Xander asks dadu

"Don't know, he is very possessive of that box, i never got a chance of opening it" he say making me more curios

"Here" he says passing me the box

I gently open it to see inside and tear up

I take it out fully as everyone gasps

It was an ultrascan

Of my baby

Who never got a chance of seeing the world

"This.." i couldn't finish my words

"I kept it treasured, i know you will want something reminding of her, even if it is painful" he says hugging

"Her?" i ask

"Yes, it was a girl" he says making me sob out loud

And just like that my trip to India came to an end

With a lot of memories and tears

"Next time, bring my raja with you" were mamu's last words before we left

Now here we are on the plate back to Italy 

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