5."i am max "

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"so this is what we are going to do, i already packed the bags for both of us, we will jump out of the window after miss.tanny sleeps ok?" Angelo asked 

"yes bubba, i cant wait to leave this place, i cant believe she wants someone to adopt me and separate us" i say 

"don't worry eve, as long as i am with you no one will hurt you, your brother will always protect you" he said and hugged me 

then at night we both jumped out of the window of our room at the orphanage and ran  away from the place at the age of five 

"bubby what are we going to do now? i ask him 

"i don't know eve, all i wanted was to get out of that place and now we did it i don't know what to do 

"don't worry bubba, we will solve it together, just like we always do" i say and hugged him 

for two nights we spent in the park and by the leftover food in the park here and there 

on the third day there was this stranger who approached 

i and Angelo held our hands tights and asked "who are you sir?"

"i am max " he smiles "i see you both ran away from your house, i want you to come with me so i can help you" he said smiling 

we being only five did not know what that smile meant and went with him 

to our new start 

to our own personal hell 


i woke up with a gasp seeing Angelo trying to wake me up 

i haven't had this night mare for a long time 

i hug him tightly and say "you are safe, i will let nothing happen to you" 

"i know berry, i know, you will always protect me, and i will be here for you too" he said hugging me back tightly 

"go to sleep," i say 

"but you wont sleep after a nightmare" he stated 

"i know its already seven and i don't need to go to sleep but you will" i say as i know he is not a morning person 

"will you sing for me?" he asked 

"of course, here lay on my lap, i will sing" i say and he happily dose so

i sing the song while creasing his hair which makes him sleepy 

after i finished i looked down to see him sleeping peacefully 

"you have a lovely voice" i heard someone whisper and i see Isabella standing there with a smile on her face 

"i came here to wake you  up, but then i heard you sing so i stopped" she said 

"oh" i say 

"well its Saturday and the boys should sleep for another two hours so wanna spent some girl time with me?" she asked with hope i n her eyes 

"girls day? I've never done one before so i will pass" i say 

"WHAT you never had a day for yourself? you will have to come with me then" she gasps and drags me out of the room 

I let her drag me as i know she cant harm me 

as we reach to the living room i saw Massimo already there 

"dear, i am Eva are having a girl's day so we will be home late" she says pecking his lips 

"ok sure, enjoy yourselves both of you" he say and i interrupt him 

"i cant leave Angelo alone" i say 

Massimo sigh before saying "trust us, we wont let anything happen to him, he is my son and i always protect my children, just relax today and don't worry ok?" he asks 

i never left Angelo with someone i barely knew 

i gave a small nod  

i hope i do the right thing trusting him

if anything happens to him i will show them hell 

after today i guess i will get clarity weather or not to trust and try to let them in 

"ok so lets go" Isabela says drags me out 

"hey i am still in my sleepwear" i say 

she stops and looks at me from up to down and smirks 

"i think i just found out where we are going  first" 

short i know but there is sooooo much trouble in my mind so i promise big chapters but it will take time 

so please stick with me and don't forget this book

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