5. The Blood Agreement

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"You're the new neighbor?" I breathe out.

The vampire nods. His copper red eyes drop and studies me, from my red pumps, trailing up to my floral shirt. He doesn't look at me with lust for my blood, and his eyes didn't turn dark with unrestraint. His gaze settling on my nervous fingers clasping around my bag against my chest.

"My name is Nikolai," he says, meeting my anxious gaze.

Nikolai... I wonder with interest. The name sounds affluent. He sounds foreign, too. Sometimes I think I hear a slight Eastern European accent in his voice.

"I moved into Penrose a few months ago," he says smoothly, with his hands still cradling in his trousers' pockets. His face was stoic, with blank eyes. Emotionless as he speaks to me in an effortless, deep voice that somewhat calms my jittery nerves. His black brows crease. "You don't have to be afraid." He frowns, his lips in a solid line. He didn't even try to break a smile or fake one.

I shake my head and stop over analyzing the man — the vampire. Annoyed that they can sense my damn fear, I resent. "My name is Isla." I clear my throat. Surprisingly, my hand raises up, wanting to shake his hand. But my hand hangs in the air between him and I. He doesn't take it.

What the hell am I doing?!

I snap my hand back to my chest like it got bitten by a flame. Did I just want to shake a vampire's hand? I scold myself internally. But what stings more is that he left me hanging. I wince. Feeling really stupid! But it's for the best. A taste of my own medicine, I suppose.

"I know your name," he says.

I frown. "You do?" I hesitate. My guard back up. "We never met?"

"I suppose I'm guilty. I heard your name across the hall when you were speaking to a friend."

I blink my eyes. Stunned, he heard Billie and me from across the hall. I forget they got bionic ears, too. Mhmmm, a wail whine in me.

"I'm sorry I intruded," he apologizes, reading my bleating expression.

I shake my head clumsily. What the hell do I say to that?

Standing awkwardly, I bite the corner of my lip, blinking like an idiot as he watches. His intense copper eyes examining me. Like he's reading my thoughts. Making me feel uncomfortable... dreadfully uneasy in my stomach. Gosh! I wish he won't look at me so deeply. My flesh simmering as my knees tingle.

"So, what do you say?" he blinks hard and breathes in deep the air. "Will you make the bargain with me?" His pupils' flashes black for a moment, but the copper red swiftly returns.

I swallow hard, fully aware of what he is asking me. The blood agreement. My eyes glances at humans and vampires across the hall still mingling. But my mind blocks them out. My attention only focuses on him and me in our private exchange.

"You came here for a reason, didn't you?" he continues, keeping his distance, waiting for my answer.

My chest thrum with anxious butterflies. Am I really going to do this? I suck in a breath.

"Yes..." I answer. "I'll agree to the bargain. My blood for your protection." I blink out the words slowly. Incredulously.

Blood rushes to my head, saying the words aloud. And my knees buckle when the corner of his lips creeps up in the faintest smile.

Oh, shit! What does that mean? Am I making the right choice?

"We could start now if you want. It's a waxing crescent moon tonight," he suggests. My heartbeat quickens as he steps forward. "I could walk you home right now?" Nikolai moves closer to me, and my heart stops beating for a second... just a second.

Vampire at 14 Penrose Lane (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now