Chapter 7: "Ghosts of Love and Loss"

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Chapter 7: "Ghosts of Love and Loss"

Seraphina's PoV
Three years had passed since we last saw each other. Three years of moving on with our lives, or at least, pretending to.

Truth be told, a part of me never stopped loving him. I wondered if he felt the same, or if time had truly healed his wounds. We were like two souls bound together, for better or for worse, even after death.

Then one day, quite by chance, our paths crossed again. I was home from college on break, walking through the park near my old house, when I heard a familiar laugh.

Alaric. My heart skipped a beat at the sound, and I turned to see him sitting on a bench, reading a book. He looked up for a moment, seeming to sense my gaze, and our eyes met.

For a long moment, there was only silence. A decade of memories passed between us in the space of a heartbeat. My eyes welled with tears as I took in the sight of him, so dear and yet so foreign.

He blinked and looked away first, breaking the spell. When he turned back to me, his eyes were dry. "Seraphina," he said quietly. "It's been a while."

I nodded, unable to speak past the lump in my throat. What do you say to someone who broke your heart, after all this time?

We smiled at each other then, small and sad, acknowledging the past without words. The years had changed us, but our souls still recognized each other.

"It was good to see you," he said.

"You too," I whispered. And with that, we went our separate ways once more.

Some part of me wished things could have been different. That we could have salvaged what was lost or found closure together. But the truth was, we had already said our final goodbye. This was merely a chance encounter, a fleeting glimpse of memories once more.

Our love was a dream from which we had awoken. Now we lived our lives and loved who we chose to love. The deepest bond had been forged and broken all in the space of a single lifetime.

Though in quiet moments, I still found my thoughts drifting to him. And I wondered if in his heart, a piece of me remained as well. We were ghosts that walked on, haunted by love and loss in equal measure.

The wounds we had inflicted, the trust we had betrayed, the tears we had shed—all faded into an ache that could never truly be soothed. We were permanent reminders of joy and sorrow braided into one another, as inseparable as two strands on a rope.

Our story was a reflection of life's harsh beauty and deep sorrows. Meant not as a warning or lament, but simply as a truth: that love dies hard, even in ruin. The heart remembers always.

And so we lived on, two ghosts bound by memories that need not remain the chains they once were. We walked on, with whatever pieces still remained, towards a dawn we now recognized as our own.

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