Chapter 6: thoughts of broken hearts

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Alaric's PoV(a few weeks later):

A dull ache still lingered in my chest where my heart used to be. I told myself I was moving on, rebuilding my life, but the truth was I couldn't stop thinking about her.

Wondering how she was doing at her new school. Whether she was happier without me in her life. If she ever thought of me the way I thought of her.

I wanted to hate her, but I couldn't. As much as she had hurt me, I still loved her. A part of me always would. But with each day, that love was twisting into something dark and bitter.

Seraphina was still out there somewhere, living her best life while I was here, trying to pick up the pieces of mine. Torn between the past we never had and the future she had stolen from me.

She got to escape while I was left behind to mourn love lost. The unfairness of it fueled my resentment, stoking the embers of anger I thought had died.

Seraphina's pov (a few weeks later):

I put on a brave face each day, smiling and chatting with the other girls like nothing was wrong. But inside, I was crumbling.

Alaric occupied my every thought. I wondered if he was happier without me, if he had moved on and found someone new who didn't come with the baggage I did. The thought made me hate him a little, for being able to move on so easily while I was stuck here, torn apart.

Part of me wished I could see him, just once more, to look into his eyes and see if I could still find traces of the boy who used to make me smile. But I knew if I saw him again, I wouldn't have the strength to leave him behind. I would stay, and beg for forgiveness, and cling to the hope that we could go back to the way things were.

How foolish. There was no going back. We had torn each other apart, and all that was left were the shreds of our broken hearts.

Each day my resentment towards him grew, fueled by the loneliness and sorrow that were my constant companions. It was easier to blame him than to blame myself for letting our love turn to poison.

Alaric was out there, living his life without me. And I was here, hidden behind a mask of indifference, when inside I was still mourning the love we lost. But that love was twisting into something dark and venomous.

Our time had come and gone, like a dream from which I had now awakened. All that remained was this ache in my chest and the loathing in my soul. We were ghosts of the people we once were, drifting on currents of regret and recrimination.

And so we continued on, two hearts in pain, forever haunted by the echo of a love so swiftly turned to ruin. Our story was a reminder of joy and anguish bound as one, forever seeping into each other's wounds.

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