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❝Cuz maybe we'll be nothing more than

Just a memory I'll wanna forget.❞

.Round & Round, Avery Lynch.


.Part One.


Kaz hadn't slept that night. He was too busy drowning in his own memories, playing the argument over and over again in his head. How he could of handled it differently. He hated himself for what happened. He was angry at the whole situation of going back to Ketterdam without Alina and he'd took it out on her.

And now look where she was.

Fish food.

Another loved one lost to the fishes.

He could see them both standing side by side in the water, drenched and covered in sea weed. The moon bright behind them and their skin a sickly grey colour. Their clothes were torn and tiny bites dotted their skin, Ambrosia's lipstick was smudged to look like blood dripping from her mouth and Jordie had firepox all over his face.

"This is your fault, brother." He knew that. "One by one we're being picked off. What is the worth of your life, if you have no one left to fight for?"

Kaz wanted her to speak, he wanted to hear her voice. He wanted her. But almost as if she knew that, Ambrosia stayed quiet - prolonging his torture.

And oh what a painful torture it was.


Inej walked into the diner and scanned the room until she spotted the familiar silhouette of a Zemini boy against the morning light shining through the window of the booth he was sitting in. Jesper hummed as he swallowed his drink when Inej sat down in front of him, "started to wonder if I had the wrong time or place."

"This is where Kaz left word to meet." Inej looked around briefly, keeping her voice at a hush. "So you know, it's worse today."

"Worse how?" Jesper's face contorted as he gestured to himself, "we had to sleep on that novice's floor. This body deserves a proper bed."

"Word is we also killed a constable."

"What?" Jesper shook his head, totally baffled, "I have so many questions. How? Why? Who? Where? When? I guess..." He lifted his mug to his lips, "yeah I guess that's all of them."

"Last night, after you escaped the wagon. Constable Sem was his name. Shot with his own weapon. Stadwatch are shaking down every informat they know."

"I would never shoot someone with their own gun." Jesper leaned back in the chair. "Besides, that's not even good frame-up."

Storm In The Quiet |Shadow and Bone 1&2| Kaz BrekkerWhere stories live. Discover now