New Beginings: victim lured in and shaped

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This book series is a collection of thrilling, mysterious and unique events of variations a covert narcissistic person utilizes to lure in their victim, love bomb them with a "dream come true fairytale lifestyle" then destroy every aspect of their victims being and livelihood through gaslighting, manipulation, brainwashing, triangulation of popularity, and abuse of all styles.

These monstrous personalities stop at nothing to get what they want and it's never enough.

The moment their victims cave a Narcissist's demands increase with vindictive pleasures that never satisfy the cravings to see their victim slowly crumble in extreme depths of depression, anxiety questioning self worth.


End of January, 2005, it was a blistering cold night, snowflakes fell so large and picturesque as if standing in a snoglobe. A time in my life I thought I had everything figured out.

I was home getting ready for another night out, much the norm these days. It was my best friends birthday celebration at one of many local bars in town.

I grew up in a small town, Independt, Minnesota, population about 500, the local police Chief called it "Paradise". A typical small community; everyone knew everyone and everyone's business was top news in the community's gossip mill. I had recently graduated from technical college, top in my class, new home owner, and established career as a director of photography with a National Company.

As I gaze at myself in the bathroom mirror, self absorbed with confidence; I thought to myself, nothing could go wrong with my perfect life! As I perfect the final touches of my makeup; I'm intrupted by a tugging of little hands at my knees, by my daughter wanting attention. I pick her up in a hurry to rush our bedtime routine the phone rings.

Sincere snuggles of my 2 year old's arms holding tight around my neck, her head nestled on my shoulder, I answer the phone.
Before I could finish saying hello, I'm interrupted, "Andy are you coming? You're late." My best friend Tina and a few other friends tell me to hurry to the bar to meet a guy.

Anxiety sets in, rushing to leave the sitter reminds me she's got everything under control. I head out the door.

Arriving to the local downtown bar, hole in the wall biker bar known for the best "melt in your mouth" burgers. I park in the back alley; the combination of day old spoiled food and freshly cooked onions linger in the air.

With a posture check and quick puff of the chest, confidence prepped, I entered the bar preparing for a night of fun. Nervous to meet this guy I sought out Tina first, she spotted me from a cross the room, screaming with excitement jumped up to greet me with a hug. Without hesitation brought me to her cousin up stairs playing pool. Introduces himself, my heart beats faster, beads of sweat quickly emerge under my arms, feeling flushed with nerves, thoughts race through my mind; how gorgeous, handsome, tall, toned body, dark well groomed hair, clean shaven baby face, casually dressed, clearly knows style. Without hesitation opens his arms to give me a hug.

We chatted for about an hour, and he says my friend would really like to meet you. Taken back by the comment, with a hesitant sigh he brought me to the bar to introduce me to Charles, a long time childhood friend of his. In disappointment I politely shook Charle's hand, as he asked if he could get me drink.

At first look, they say first impressions are everlasting. My first thoughts, he's no tall dark and handsome. Appears fit, but looks could be deceiving, thick hair, few random grey strands, top teeth are buck style in the front, a creepy stalker appeal to his facial expressions. I felt uncomfortable when he looked at me from a distance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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