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Warning: Character death, blood

The distant boom made shivers run down her spine as she stood at the tower of Astronomy. Her hands clung to the railing seeking comfort from the cold metal.

The sound of footsteps echoed around the tower. She immediately drew her wand at the intruder.

"It's just me, love" Remus lit up his wand, his smile growing as he saw her features soften. He closed the distance between them as if it was second nature to be in her arms.

She sighed as she laid her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She knew it was not for her. For years, now Y/n L/n has loved Remus Lupin only for his insecurity to come in between their blossoming romance.

She didn't doubt if he loved her or not. Because friends don't crave to touch each other yet she doesn't know if he feels for her like she feels for him. She can't even be mad at him because Remus is one of the smartest students in Hogwarts yet he can be dense in this department. He can't even believe how much his friends care about him so the idea of someone loving him is out of the window.

He pulled up her chin with his finger, making her look at him. She loved how he looked at her now but hated how he never expressed it. She would be left to her own thoughts later that night trying to guess what he meant.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked as if she has not told him enough amount of times that it's only him she can think about

She sighed, "nothing". The war is raging outside she knows the death eaters will be here any moment ready to take their lives. She averted her gaze away from him only for him to make her look back at him.

"You worry, dove" his touch was so gentle on her cheek that she almost forgot that their life is in danger right now. But that was Remus Lupin's effect on her.

"And what do you suggest I do instead? Not worry when our life is in danger? And we don't even know how our friends are right now" Her palm grew sweatier as she spoke. Her whole body tensed thinking about her friends being at the end of the wand of a death eater.


Before Remus could say more Y/n held his shoulders. Tears threatened to drop from her eyes as she looked into his chocolate brown eyes she had grown to love. She knew she had to say it before they take her away from him.

"Remus, I know you will never feel for me but my soul aches for you and I know you don't feel the same, I just wanted to let you know I will always love you till my existence and beyond even if you won't be able to."

By now tears were streaming down her cheeks as Remus held her face ever so gently. They never looked away. She expected to see disappointment in his eyes but all she could find was hope.

He opened his mouth to say something when they heard a familiar voice. Too familiar.

"Moony" Peter huffed as he climbed the stairs "ahh saying your goodbyes to your honey?" Remus pointed his wand at Peter. Peter turned Remus' and Y/n's wand into ashes

Remus immediately shielded her with his own body. She gripped his arms trying to move him away but to no avail. Peter snickered as he drew his wand "oh ho oh is that fear I see in your eyes Lupin?" Shivers ran down Remus' spine as Peter walked slowly towards him.

"If only my lord would have been to witness this. A wolf is scared of a rat. So poetic. He would be so proud of me" Remus couldn't recognize his friend anymore. It was like the Peter he knew was just a part of an illusion. A distant memory that was made up by his brain to make up for the fact that he was lonely

"Let her go, Peter."

Peter scoffed when they sensed another darker presence. Peter kneeled down in front of him with tears brimming his eyes "my lord"

The dark lord caressed Peter's face clearly proud of what he has done. "You shall be rewarded. Tell me what you want and you shall receive"

Peter had a crazed look in his eyes his fingers trembled as he pointed it at Remus and Y/n "I want to watch them suffer my lord. Please, I want him to beg me for forgiveness, I want at my mercy, my lord"

The dark lord grimaced at his words. Just because he was able to scare his friends he thinks he is above the dark lord. But he decided to let it slide this time.

"You know normally I don't waste my powers on the likes of you. But my subject has proved to me his loyalty and power. I guess I can do this one thing for him"

Voldemort flicked his wand and left the Astronomy Tower with Peter as Remus and Y/n wailed in agony waiting for their end to come.

Y/n laid there on the cold floor as blood seeped from her body. Her ears rang as she turned around to Remus trying to reach her hand. Her throat felt dry as she saw him bleed on the floor. She tried to get up but her body didn't cooperate.

"y-y/n..." Remus' bloody hand stopped midway. She couldn't hear herself wail when she saw Remus' soul leave his body. She tried to get up again only to slip on her own blood.

"Remmy, no ple...please..n-no" she dragged her body towards him. She held him and put all the strength in her body to give him chest compressions. "Remus". She continued giving him chest compressions until her body surrendered and she fell beside him.

She didn't dare look into his now lifeless eyes and cried into his warm sweater that was soaked with his dried blood. She held onto his limp body trying to find the same comfort she used to find but it felt so cold, so foreign.

She looked up and closed his eyes so could not see the eyes she once saw her life in. She laid in his arms as she felt more tired, and she laid her hand on his cold cheek. She was turning more breathless as it was getting more painful to breathe.

"if....if...we were...ahh...meant to be...to-together....we..we will meet...again." Tears fell down her cheeks "please...please"

Her hand dropped from his cheek as her eyes finally lost her soul.

The Love of My Dreams- Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now