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Much to everyone's dismay Zarkon had been bedridden for longer than anyone expected which meant Lotor was in charge until his father made a full recovery. During Zarkon's unexpected vacation Voltron had been freeing more and more planets by the day which meant the galra empire was losing resources and territory fast, thankfully the civilian galra colonies were left intact since the paladins didn't seem to harm those who weren't active in the war. However, the empire was still losing too much territory and everyone was becoming more concerned about what was going to happen if Voltron freed everyone who had previously been under their control. Just like all of the other commanders Throk felt unbearably stressed because of everything that had been happening, especially since some of the planets that were liberated by Voltron were ones he conquered with his fleet several phoebs ago. (Y/n) felt bad for her master and always did her job to help him destress when he came home every evening, although there was only so much she could do.

(Y/n) honestly didn't know how to feel about everything that had been going on; in a way she was happy about Zarkon finally getting what he deserved, but at the same time she didn't like the instability and wanted everything to go back to normal. From her understanding the paladins were bad for disrupting the superior ways of the galra empire, little did she know was that they were actually the good guys who wanted everyone in the universe to have freedom from oppression. Weeks passed since (Y/n) went out on a walk and she was starting to feel like she was going crazy because she was getting cabin fever and if she didn't get out soon she would go mad. Throk definitely noticed how frustrated (Y/n) was becoming and decided to take her out on a walk since he'd been learning Lotor's schedule so he could avoid him as much as possible. As soon as his day off came he made a big breakfast whilst acting as though he wasn't up to anything, wanting to surprise his pet so he could cheer her up.

"Put your shoes on, we're going on a walk." Throk said when he led (Y/n) into the living room, grinning as she gazed up at him with confusion.

"Why? Aren't Lotor and his generals still here?" (Y/n) asked him with pure bewilderment; she didn't know what to think anymore, and it made her feel like she was going crazy.

"Yes they are, but I'm taking you out because you've been acting twitchy lately." Throk answered gleefully, a genuinely excited smile tugging at his lips which was honestly a strange sight.

"I have not." (Y/n) mumbled in denial as she crossed her arms over her chest while pouting cutely, quietly huffing in frustration.

Throk let out a short humorous laugh prior to getting her collar and leash off of its hook, allowing (Y/n) to put her shoes on so that her feet wouldn't get cold. He promptly returned to where she was standing and knelt down, reaching around her neck while (Y/n) held her hair out of the way so he could fasten it around her neck, making sure it wasn't too tight so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt her. (Y/n) honestly didn't mind being led around like a pet since to the galra that's what she was, plus it kind of kept her safe seeing as there were five half galra who would probably kidnap her if they had the chance. She took a deep breath once they were out in the hallway, thankful that Throk let her stand right outside of his habsuite door so she could enjoy just being out. (Y/n) felt so much better as she stood there in the hallway with her master, looking at her surroundings before she walked in the direction of the nearest window; Throk followed his pet over to the large window since he was going to let her lead him on their little outing, it's the least he could do after keeping her cooped up for so long.

"Despite living here in the central hub for so long I'll never get tired of seeing the stars." (Y/n) spoke quietly, almost too quietly, but thanks to having excellent hearing Throk heard her.

"I know, neither will I. I'm going on a trip to check on a base soon, would you be interested in joining me?" Throk agreed right before mentioning his upcoming trip, a barely noticeable smile appearing on his face while he glanced down at her.

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