Aunt Flo returns

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(Y/n) knew it had to happen sooner or later but she wasn't looking forward to it; the day started out perfectly normal and she only felt slightly under the weather when it happened, she was simply using the bathroom when she saw blood on the toilet paper, a sure sign that her period started. After living with Zarkon for so long (Y/n) learned how to keep her mood swings in check, although it was easy after the way he used to hit her years prior whenever she got emotional or agitated due to her period hormones. (Y/n) was very thankful that she had plenty of pads/tampons to use, unfortunately she didn't know where the painkillers were and started to panic because she was beginning to feel a cramping sensation in her lower abdomen. Throk always had something sweet stocked in his kitchen including some of the (F/s) she found at the mall, so she could always easily satisfy her food craving. (Y/n) knew that Throk was busy doing his daily work, nevertheless she desperately needed painkillers and decided to contact him.

'I hate to bother you at work but I need to know where the painkillers are, I already know the right amount to take. It's an emergency.'

After (Y/n) sent the message to Throk's communicator she went to go lay on the couch until he came to help her, wincing as she used her step-stool to climb up and laid down amongst her blankets and pillows. Since she was alone she allowed herself to cry, unable to stop the hot tears from flowing freely down her face; being emotional was something she could only do in private because she was afraid of being punished. Her cramps didn't help her mood, each one feeling as though someone was stabbing her in the lower abdomen with a knife; back when she lived with Zarkon she would take the right amount of painkillers and rest for most of the day. By the time Throk came to her aid (Y/n) was done crying and was in too much pain to do much of anything else, wishing that she knew where the painkillers were. Throk was worried when he saw the message (Y/n) sent him and wondered what was wrong, although he had a pretty good idea when he smelled blood coming from her.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Throk questioned when he knelt down in front of the couch, a slight sneer on his face because he truly thought she somehow managed to hurt herself on purpose.

"No. I'm on my period and I feel as though my body is trying to kill itself. Please just get me the painkillers." (Y/n) mumbled in response, cracking her eyes open and looking at Throk whose expression softened a little when she answered him.

"Is that the cause of your bleeding? Human biology, such a nuisance." Throk said mostly to himself before he stood up and walked to the bathroom; he didn't exactly understand what a period was but he didn't want (Y/n) to continue to be in pain.

(Y/n) simply laid on the couch and didn't think about what Throk said; she'd heard much worse during her life. All she could think about was the painkillers she was about to be given, knowing it would help her annoying cramps to go away. (Y/n) ate some (F/s) earlier so that when she took the small amount of medication it wouldn't harm her system, although what she really wanted was someone to curl up around her while she slept. Meanwhile, Throk wondered if he should stay in his habsuite to take care of his pet; he really wanted to, but unfortunately he couldn't because Zarkon needed him to finish his daily duties. He promptly returned to the living room with the bottle of painkiller medication, the little cup that came with and a cup half full of water for (Y/n) to drink.

"Here, this will help with the pain." Throk said with a soft tone once he returned to the couch, measuring the right amount of pain medication and held it out for her to take.

(Y/n) groaned in pain when she slowly sat up and took the little cup from Throk, her fingers brushing against his before she drank the bitter yellowish liquid which had a slight glow to it. She gave the little cup back to her master while gagging, thanking him for the cup of water that he gave her to help wash the disgusting flavor down. Throk blamed his protective instincts for the way he felt when he gave (Y/n) the medicine she needed; he never thought he'd actually care about a lesser species' health and well-being. While she drank the water he went to go put the bottle back in his bathroom, quickly returning and kneeling down in front of the couch once again. (Y/n) couldn't recall what happened next after she finished drinking from the cup, one minute she was being picked up and the next Throk laid her on what she could only describe as the most comfortable bed she'd ever laid on.

"Try to rest, I'll return later as usual." Throk told (Y/n), speaking with a soft, caring tone while he carefully tucked her in; he was going to let her sleep on his bed since she wasn't feeling well, knowing it would help her feel better.

(Y/n) looked up at the lanky male before she closed her eyes and sighed, feeling extremely sleepy all of a sudden; she wasn't exactly able to process what happened, so all she could do was fall asleep. Throk loved his bed comfy and had more than enough fluffy blankets and pillows to make it just the way he liked it, he knew (Y/n) liked it too because she fell asleep as soon as he tucked her in. He stood next to his bed for a few moments, making sure she was going to be okay before he turned around and walked out of his bedroom. Later during his lunch break Throk decided that it would be a good idea to look up a few things about human reproduction cycles so he could better understand what his pet was going through and how he could help her. Having a human pet was sometimes a lot of work and Throk often wondered how long it had taken Zarkon to get used to it, although he didn't dwell on it for very long because he had work to do.


As the days passed Throk noticed how (Y/n's) menstrual cycle seemed to ease up a little as it neared its end, meaning she would go back to her normal self sooner rather than later. The galran man was horrified when he researched what was going on with his pet; everything he read explained what a period was with a list of symptoms, why human women had them and how certain medical conditions related to a woman's cycle could make it worse. A day or two before her period was supposed to end (Y/n) decided to try a new snack Throk picked up at the space mall; she couldn't read anything on the packaging but it was apparently some kind of alien fruit shaped candy and she wanted to try it due to craving sugary food. Throk already told her that she could eat anything in the kitchen, so she knew he wouldn't mind sharing some of the candy he bought; the flavor wasn't something she'd tasted before but (Y/n) liked it. In the meantime it was Throk's lunch break and he decided to check on (Y/n), although he wasn't expecting to find her eating a bowl of the candy he recently bought while sitting on the step-stool in the kitchen.

"I see that you're feeling better." Throk commented while he stood in the kitchen doorway, waiting for (Y/n) to notice him.

"Yes Sir, I'm feeling a lot better. I apologize for sitting and eating on the step-stool." (Y/n) responded after she stood up straight and put the nearly empty bowl where she had previously been sitting, apologizing for sitting and eating where she shouldn't have been.

"I forgive you, but don't do it again. I've decided to spend my lunch break here again, that way you're not too lonely." Throk said as he lightly scolded the young woman; she wasn't breaking a rule or anything but he didn't necessarily want her eating while sitting on the step-stool.

(Y/n) was relieved that she wasn't in trouble, so she grabbed her bowl of candy and walked to the dining room where she could join Throk for lunch. Ever since the second day of her period he came home to his habsuite in order to check in with her which was actually very sweet of him to do; Zarkon used to mostly avoid her during her period, which was usually for the better. Throk couldn't say it out loud, or rather wouldn't, but he was genuinely worried about (Y/n's) well-being and he wanted her time of the month as comfortable as possible. During the meal he shared portions of his lunch in case she hadn't eaten anything healthy since breakfast; candy was good and all but he had to make sure his pet was getting the nutrients she needed. Throk left after he and (Y/n) finished eating lunch together, making sure there were plenty of healthy snacks for her to eat in case she got hungry again before he returned later that evening.

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