A short trip

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On the day of the trip Throk made sure (Y/n) would be ready; she hadn't been away from the main hub for a long time and he wasn't sure how used to space travel she would be. Galra shuttles were far more advanced than what humans built and were made to withstand flying through the atmosphere of different planets, so it wouldn't even seem like they were flying. (Y/n) was super excited for the upcoming trip and made sure to get enough sleep the night before, that way she would be well rested. The next morning after they did their morning routines and ate breakfast together Throk let (Y/n) help him prepare and pack a picnic lunch for them to eat after he made sure everything at the base was functioning correctly. With Voltron destroying galra bases within the past few phoebs it was important for commanders to check in on each of the remaining bases.

The journey to the planet was a short one thanks to the shuttle's hyperspeed function and before either of them knew it they had arrived on planet Bedalia located on the farthest end of the Dalterion belt. (Y/n's) eyes were blown wide as soon as Throk led her out of the shuttle; the greenish blue sky was kind of strange but the forest around them looked amazingly beautiful, almost like something out of a fairytale. After living in the middle of space for so long she felt overwhelmed from the environment around her, particularly the sun since she wasn't used to the sunlight, so (Y/n) had to use her hands for shade until her vision adjusted. Throk stopped walking when (Y/n) did and used his body to create a shady spot for her to stand in; he knew that she wasn't used to being out in the sunlight and he honestly didn't mind waiting until she could properly see her surroundings. It took a few moments, but eventually (Y/n's) vision adjusted to the sunlight and she took a few steps forward.

"Do you like it here?" Throk asked (Y/n) with a knowing tone, happy to see her enjoying the lovely Bedalian climate.

"Yes! I love it! I haven't been outside in forever." (Y/n) answered without hesitation when she turned around to face her master, beaming up at him with excitement.

"I'm glad that you're enjoying yourself. Before we can eat I need to check on the base, I would prefer you stay close so that you won't get lost." Throk responded whilst grinning down at her, feeling slightly more cheerful than usual.

(Y/n) nodded her head in confirmation before Throk led her to the dirt tail, making sure to follow close behind him so she wouldn't accidentally get lost. The dirt had a purplish tint to it and she wondered if that was normal or not; then again, she hadn't been to Bedalia before and didn't know anything about it. She looked at her surroundings and saw a few alien birds in the distance, as well as some flowers growing amongst the turquoise grass on the ground. Throk glanced back every so often to make sure (Y/n) was following him, a light blush dusting his cheeks when he saw how beautiful she looked in the sunlight; he knew that he shouldn't be thinking like that but he couldn't help it. Living with (Y/n) as his pet for so long was starting to have certain effects on the established commander and he briefly wondered what it would be like to have an intimate relationship with her.

He obviously didn't want to have any children with (Y/n) because he despised halfbreeds more than anything, although he wouldn't mind being on more intimate and romantic terms with her. Throk stopped thinking such ridiculous thoughts before his mind could wander too far; he was not going to do such things with her, or at least that's what he told himself. While he was caught up in his thoughts (Y/n) was having the time of her life, daydreaming of possibly living on Bedalia with a future lover if she would get the chance to have one, unfortunately it seemed highly unlikely because of her status as a pet. She completely lost track of time until she found herself following Throk into the base he had to check in with, feeling a little creeped out each time one of the unfamiliar guards looked in her direction. (Y/n) knew Throk would never let anyone harm her while they were at the base, or anywhere for that matter, she was too valuable to him.

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