Chapter 7: Cabbages

Start from the beginning

Katara's POV

We decided to eat breakfast with King Bumi before heading onto Appa for Lizhou. "Bumi, how do you think that we should sneak onto the ship?" Aang asked his old friend. "Let Momo lead the way!" Bumi snorted while playing with Momo on his lap. Aang laughed, "I'm serious Bumi," He added. "Me too. Momo will help you, trust me." Bumi said, winking. Gosh that old King was crazy! Wise, but crazy! "Omashu used to be under Ukano's rule and they imprisoned you. Do you remember where they put you?" I asked him, "I was in the sky, by the kitchen and storage room. I liked it there." "Maybe that's where they will have Toph!" Sokka exclaimed. "I doubt it. She'll probably be by the top. Away from metal or earth." Zuko added. Once we finished breakfast we all thanked Bumi for his hospitality, "Thank you Bumi, thank you for helping me last night. I truly appreciate the help." I told him, "Any time, my child." Bumi cackled. I was starting to understand why Aang really likes Bumi so much. He has a great personality. We waved Bumi goodbye and headed towards Lizhou.

I swear to the spirits that Zuko and Sokka better start dating at the end of this trip! They are touching each other more than Aang and I! Once again Sokka was cuddling into Zuko's arms. It's so obvious that they like each other, how could they both be so gullible. "We need to set them up," I whispered to Aang, "I agree, it's painful watching them at this point." Aang and I tried to brainstorm some plans but none seemed to work. Within moments we were finally at Lizhou. We landed Appa and put our New Ozai Society disguises on. We walked around the town for a bit and all of a sudden Momo started going crazy. "Ssshhhh Momo, you're going to get us caught!" Sokka whispered yelled at Momo. Momo then jumped out of Sokka's arms and started flying around the port until he reached a cabbage stand by one of the ships. Aang quickly grabbed Momo's tail, pulling him back before he could eat all of the cabbages. "There are exactly 47 boxes of Cabbages here, each one with 12 cabbages!" The cabbage merchant said to the guard. "Good, because even if one box is missing we will never do business with you again. The Warden was very clear with the number of cabbages he wanted." The Warden? Suki had told me many stories about him during her time on the Boiling Rock, was he the new leader? The Cabbage Merchant nodded and walked away, while members of The New Ozai Society started to load the cabbages onto the ship. Aang quickly grabbed my hand and before we knew it we were loading cabbages onto the ship.

Sokka's POV

We waited for the other members of The New Ozai Society to walk away from the Storage room before we locked the door. Aang and Katara looked at each other and gave one another a mischievous smile. "Let's open up two boxes. But only two," Katara suggested. "Why?" Zuko asked. "They are going to notice that we, um, that we are impostors. It's just easier to stay hidden, hear about their plans, get Toph and be on our way." Aang replied. "But why only two? The boxes are so small, they can barely fit one person." I told Katara, "Because the Warden was very clear on how many boxes he wanted. He'll definitely notice that four boxes of cabbages are missing compared to two." She said. I'm not sure what she and Aang are up to, but I honestly didn't have the energy to question them. "Okay, Zuko and I will burn the cabbages quickly. Afterwards Katara and I will go in one and you two in the other." They quickly destroyed the cabbages and then Zuko and I hopped into one box. The box was so tiny, my entire side touching Zuko. We spent an hour in the box not speaking a word, even though I really wanted to. Words were not my strong suit. "Hey why is this door locked?" Someone asked, my heart skipped a beat. If we were caught then it was game over. The person opened up the door and another person walked in. "Open up all the cabbages now so we can wash them." "Yes sir!" Zuko turned to face me and I could see the fear in his eyes. "Take off your shirt," I whispered to Zuko, "What?" "Take it off, I have a plan." Zuko did what he was told and I did the same. "I need you to trust me, don't stop until I stop okay," "Okay," Zuko said. I then pushed myself on top of Zuko wrapping my hands around his entire body and I kissed him right on the lips.

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