Return To The Lorbs

Start from the beginning

We finally landed on the island. Rapunzel was the first to get out of the balloon while the rest of us filed our behind her. As my boots touched the sand a rush of nausea hit me. I stared down at the ground taking a few deep breathes. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" A hand placed itself on my back and I looked up at Varian. "U-uh...yeah...I'll be fine."

"Hello?" Rapunzel called out. "Little leaf people, hello?" Eugene called out. "Lorbs??? Anyone there?" Varian asked while I just looked around the dark island. 'It's nice to know that the island is still as beautiful as when we were here.'

"Well, their little leaf people village looks empty. I was not expecting it to be this quiet-" A loud caw interrupted Eugene and we all looked up to see a large white bird. "He did that on purpose." Eugene said glaring at the bird making Varian, Rapunzel, and I laugh.

We all started to walk through the seemingly empty lorb village. "Alfons?" Punz called out and we all looked into their tiny houses. "I'm not seeing any Lorbs." I said to the others. "None over here." Varian said as we both made our way back to Rapunzel and Eugene.

"Okay. So, no Lorbs. It's the freinfloofers!" Rapunzel called out. "Does anyone else feel like it's eerily quiet?" Varian asked. "This place is bad enough with witchy getting bad vibes. I don't need to think that something is going to jump out at us!" Eugene yelled to us.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Anybody home? No?" Rapunzel asked as Eugene picked up a coconut. As he inspected it there was rustling coming from the trees. "Did you hear that?" Eugene asked. "I'm genuinely kinda scared right now and if it just ends up being a stupid bunny or something...I'm gonna cry." I said and Varian laughed.

"Woop!" We all turned towards the sound to see a Lorb running away. "Lorb!" Varian yelled pointing at it. "Hey, wait!" Rapunzel yelled and we all started running after it. "Grab them!" I yelled. "(Y/n) I don't think that's the best thing to yell at it!" Eugene said from behind me.

"We just have a few questions!" Rapunzel yelled as she followed closely behind the Lorb. "This little guy sure can move. And with such little legs." Eugene said as he caught up to Rapunzel leaving me and Varian behind them. "If you think about it. They do have an advantage. They know the land." "Sapphires right. They may be small but they know how to lose us so we gotta stay on their tail." I yelled from behind Eugene.

Rapunzel suddenly came to a halt and Varian crashed into her back. He fell down to the ground and I stopped myself almost falling in the process. Eugene and Rapunzel stared at the Lorb holding a leaf over its face while I pulled Varian off the ground.

We all looked at each other confused before Rapunzel gently poked it. "Ah! Don't hurt me, wolf freinfloofers!" The Lorb said terrified, and I couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was.

"Don't you recognize us?" Rapunzel asked softly. ", sorry. All freinfloofers look alike. Except the new one." He said before running away. "Damn, Eugene. That must've hurt your ego." I said and Varian laughed while Eugene sent me a glare. "What? The new one? Could he mean...Cass?" Rapunzel asked.

We followed where the Lorb had gone off to and the strange feeling and the nausea became worse with every step I took. There was loud music playing, Lorbs yelling excitedly, and they were even dancing around.

"You can tell the new one apart by his mustache." The Lorb said. "Mustache?" We all asked confused. 'Well it's definitely not Cass.' I thought to myself. We all watched as a conga line or Lorbs walked by and at the very end was a rather familiar face.

"Princess? Fitzherbert!" The man yelled happily at the two. "Nice to know that we mean so much to him." Varian said sarcastically and I couldn't help but laugh.

Just A Hunch (Varian x Witch!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now