"Because it's not like you not to get a hold of me."

My hand moved to her thigh, squeezing it. I said, "Sorry. I had lots on my mind." Now is the time to change the subject. I don't want this to turn into an argument. "Should we stop at the store along the way to my place?"

"Do you not have groceries?" she asked, humor written on her face, knowing the answer before I could even respond.

"The look on your face tells me you already know the answer." Because I don't. I'm not home much to go grocery shopping. And she, of all people, knows my daily schedule.

Slowly smirking, she asked, "Then why did you ask?"

To change the subject.

"Because I wanted to see what I could get out of you for what you're making for dinner. Reverse psychology..." I said, grinning.

A giggle jumped from her lips. "Whatever you're hungry for, I'll make. How does that sound?"

Now I laughed. Eloise's statement can go both ways because I'm always hungry lately—for her.

"I'm hungry for your pussy. Will that work for dinner?"

"I meant food, Callum," she retorted, smiling.

"I'm hungry for that, too," I chuckled. "I just had to throw that in—in case you thought something was wrong with me again," I winked, and she blushed.

I honestly didn't care what she wanted to make me for dinner. I'm not a finicky guy; I pretty much eat anything—food, that is. I love my food, and nothing usually turns my nose or stomach. But I have to say, lasagna with a side of cottage cheese and garlic cheese bread is probably my favorite meal to eat.

"How does shrimp scampi sound? It's getting late, and it's also quick and easy to make."

I laced my fingers around Eloise's digits and brought her hand up to my mouth, kissing the top of her hand. "Works for me."


As my hip molded to the counter, my mouth watered while I watched Eloise chop the garlic—something I'm a sucker for and something I'm heavily aware of it giving a person some killer breath, but I can't help it.

I like garlic.

"So, what were you thinking about all day that made you ignore me?" she finally asked, looking down at the butter as she sliced into it."

"I was thinking about what you would feed my stomach tonight." She laughed, knowing that was a lie. "I also thought about where I'll bring you once we're in New York." She didn't say anything, and I wasn't sure if she also thought that was a lie or if it was true since we'll be flying out there tomorrow. "And I thought about how beautiful you'll look in your dress and new jewelry and how it'll make all the women in the building jealous." She might believe that one, but she still remained quiet.

I stepped closer to her, stealing a couple of the small chunks of garlic and popping them into my mouth, earning a playful smack to my forearm and a giggle that made me smile. "I also thought about how lucky I am that you're my girl." That isn't a lie, either. I did think about that because I'm very lucky; she didn't tell me to get bent when I pursued her hard.

"You should feel lucky," she countered with a smile. "Because there are women out there that wouldn't even think about dating a man who's a known womanizer, fearing they won't be the only woman in their life. You know?"

I stepped behind her, my arms enveloping her. I lowered my chin to her shoulder, asking, "Is that one of your fears with me? That I won't be able to help myself and will still sleep with other women?"

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