Chapter 2: Everything Changes

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It was finally nearing the end of school. The year wasn't as bad as I thought. I met a really nice friend named Maddie, I call her babe, and even went out with a few guys, that went to other schools of course. I wasn't bullied that badly anymore either. I never really knew why, but it might have been because George told his friends to control themselves. He was like their leader, so what he says goes, but would they listen to him; if he was standing up for me. Although I was still bullied, I finally made it. Freshman year wasn't that bad, but today was going to change everything.

As I walked to school today, I saw George's friends standing near my locker, but no George. Where is he, I thought. He was nowhere to be seen in the vicinity. Since there was no George, should I trust going to my locker, instead I just kept walking and went straight to my first period class. What I didn't realize was, there was no teacher here yet, and the kids were starting to approach me. Jason, George's right hand man, started towards me. His black shaggy hair sticking to the sides, and his too tight jeans distorting his walk. As he stood in front of me he said, "So where is your boyfriend, faggot?"

I didn't answer. The longer I waited the more it was likely to happen. After a little over five minutes, he was getting annoyed. The teacher still hasn't arrived. Before he did anything to make me talk, I finally answered, "Who are you talking about?" I asked, but I guess that was the wrong response. The stinging in my face was back. He slapped me as soon as I asked.

"You're such a god damned fag."

"What did I do?" I screamed

"I'm the only one asking questions here!"

His friends started to start towards us, and they looked like they were going to fight. I couldn't do anything, I was way outnumbered. Who were they talking about, and why is he my boyfriend. Then it all happened at once. Someone came in and tackled Jason right before my eyes. It was fast and like a blur, but I knew exactly what happened; George was the blur. George tackled Jason, and none of Jason's friends came to help. What was happening, I thought.

"You will not touch him!" George yelled, pulling back his right fist and pounding it into the left side of Jason's face.

"Ha, you're both Homos. This is great." Jason laughed spitting blood into George's beautiful blue eyes. Georges short blonde messy hair getting stained with red as well, "What are you guys doing, grab him!" Jason finally commanded.

The group of boys standing in awe, finally responded. They started towards me, climbing over the desks. I was stunned, so much was happening, and I didn't want to move, but I had to. I stood up from my desk swiftly and jumped over the two on the ground. As I ran towards the door I heard George say, "Find a teacher! RUN!"

I didn't know what a teacher was going to do, they all hated me, but I wasn't going to let him down. As I ran through out the halls, I finally saw a teacher in their room. It was my science teacher; the only teacher that loved anyone and everyone, Mrs. Chernobyl. I ran into her class, interrupting her morning clean up.

"Mrs. Chernobyl, I need your help!"

"What's going on Dalton?" She asked.

She was small, and young, but everyone respected her for her teaching ways. She was voted the best teacher of the year, three years in a row, I responded quickly, "These kids are chasing me, and my first period teacher isn't in yet. Two other kids are also fighting in my first period room." I explained. She knew what was going on, she was the only teacher that would help me when I was severely bullied, and I owe her big time.

The kids ran into the room, but stopped as soon as they saw her. They just froze in front of me, it made me feel powerful, but I knew it wasn't my doing, it was Mrs. Chernobyl's doing. She then sent them to the principle where they were expelled. As for the two in my first period class, when we got there George was knocked out, and Jason was bleeding from his lip and nose. He also was forming a black eye. Jason was also expelled after the principle analyzed the situation. As for me and George, George was sent home, and I had a regular rest of the day.

The day continued as if nothing happened, but something did happen; no one bullied me the rest of the day. People were actually talking to me, and teachers were acknowledging me. Everything was changing, and I didn't know why. Maybe it was for the better. For the rest of the day I didn't think about it, and then went home.

My home life was still a mess, but they sooner or later accepted me as the school year dragged on. I didn't know what the big deal was, but it was what it was. Life seemed like it started to get better, but I had another thing coming. I still need to find George and talk to him, and I need to find out why my parents resented me. This summer was going to be a long one, and I could feel it.


I was finally home, and I was starving. Mom had dinner cooking, and my brother was playing video games in the living room. My dad must have still been at work. I was ready for the summer to start, and my adventure to begin.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mom making her home made seafood pasta. She turned around once she saw me and said, "Welcome home Dalton! How was your day?"

"Good?" I replied, "Why have you guys been so nice to me lately. Ever since the school year started coming to a close you guys started to care, but in the beginning of the school year you called me a sinner, and resented me."

She waited a little before she answered, "We did hate you Dalton, but not because of you, but because of the rules, but everything is worked out now, and we are just fine. Your brother was even wanting to play a few games with you."

I was surprised to hear this. My older brother Jared hated me the most, and now he wants to play video games with me? I was in awe of the news I was hearing, but I couldn't get side tracked yet. I had to find George, "Can you tell him that I said no thank you, but maybe later. I have some school stuff to take care of, I'll be up in my room." I lied. She believed me though, and that was all I needed to get away.

I walked up to my room and turned on my music. They never bothered me when I was playing my music, so let's hope this trend stays alive. As my music was blaring, I unlatched my window, and walked onto the roof. My room was on the second story of our house, but there was a small area of roof that I could walk out on. I used this to sneak out, and jump into our back yard. From here I walked down the hills to the end of our yard where we had a gate. I unlatched the gate and started into the woods. I knew if I went straight through the woods I would end up on the other side of the neighborhood. The side where the bullies lived. The side where George lived.

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