It's okay (✨👻)

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Warning: This contains suggested war flashbacks and untamed emotions(anger).

You and Ghost just started dating a while ago and you are living at his house. He recently retired from the military so he could live a life with you. He hasn't really opened up to you...until now.

You are at home watching tv in the living room waiting for Ghost to get back home from the gym, when all of a sudden the front door bursts open.
Your boyfriend stands in the doorway, keys in hand.
"Hey babe, how was your wor-" you don't get to finish your sentence. He threw his stuff onto the ground is already storming upstairs to the room you guys share. You can hear his heavy breathing fade as he gets further away. He is usually grumpy when he returns home, but its never this bad. He slams the bedroom door. You jump. You never liked loud noises, and he knows that. Thats when you know something isn't right.
You swiftly get up and stand at the bottom of the stairs.
"Babe?" No answer.
"Ghost?" Still no answer. You make your way up the stairs and stand outside the bedroom door.
"Babe, its me, are you okay?" No answer. Worried and overthinking, you open the door to find him sitting on the side of the bed with his back towards you. You close the door behind you and slowly walk towards him, still giving him some space. You get to his side, still with a couple feet between you and him. His fists are balled up, and he's shaking slightly. Suddenly, his head drops.
"What's wrong with me, why am i like this?" he says angrily. You inch closer.
"Nothing is wrong with you, why would you say that?" you say softly, trying to give reassurance.
He picks his head up quickly looking at you. It startles you so you jump back a little bit.
He puts his face into his hands. "See you're scared of me, i'm a monster Y/N." his voice breaks.
You take a deep breath and sit next to him on the bed. You put your hand on his back, gently rubbing it.
"It's not that i'm scared of you, you know i had a rough past. I promise I'm not scared of you. And you're not a monster, trust me." Your reassurance seems to work, sorta.
He turns to you slowly, his eyes bloodshot, filled with tears.
"Im sorry..." he says through a sob. You gently take his tear soaked balaclava off, revealing his full face. You still get caught off guard by how handsome he is even though you've seen his face a few times before, but you don't let that distract you. You hug him, your arms around his torso, your head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around your neck, making sure he doesn't squeeze you too tight.
"Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong."
Your voice makes him breakdown. You feel tears sink into your shirt. You rub his back, trying to give as much comfort as you can.
"Its okay, my love, let it out," you say softly. His sobbing gets louder, and his tears fall faster as if you just opened flood gates.
You sit there for a while holding him until his breathing slows and he stops shaking.
He lets go of you and sits up. He looks away from you out of embarrassment. You caress his cheek with your hand, wiping tears away.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" you ask sincerely. He looks at you, hesitates, then shrugs slightly. You know that when he gets really upset he can go non verbal, and you are very patient with him.
"Did someone say something to you?" He shakes his head.
"Did you see something that triggered you?" He looks down and nods. You take his hand and hold it firmly. He looks back up at you.
"Sorry I had to make you think about it again. I just wanted to understand what happened." You say looking in his still bloodshot eyes. You look slightly past him at the clock on your nightstand. You see its later than you realized.
"It's getting close to dinner time. Are you hungry? I can make us some food." you ask him, starting to get hungry yourself. He smiles slightly and nods. You stand up from the bed, he follows. You lead him down the stairs still holding his hand. You sit him at the island so he can stay close to you and you can keep an eye on him. You see him shiver a few times. You feel his arm. You know he is cold so you get him a blanket from the couch nearby and wrap it around him, making sure he is comfortable.
"There you go." you pat his back and smile at him.
You start making his comfort food. Every once in awhile you look back at him, making sure he is okay. He watches you in awe as you, his favorite person, cooks his favorite food. You finish cooking and serve him his plate, you get yours as well.
"Thank you..." he says, quietly. Hearing his voice brings you absolute joy, knowing you cheered him up enough to bring him out of that non verbal state.
"It's no problem," you say as you walk over and take the seat next to him. He stares at the plate in front of him for a while before finally taking a bite. You finish your plate before him but you stay seated so he doesn't get distracted from eating or worries he is taking too long. You keep your eyes on him. You watch as he takes his last bite of food. He swallows and looks up at you. You smile at him. He smiles back, the yawns.
"Do you wanna go lay down?" You talk to him like he is a little kid, but he loves it.
"I'd like that." he says. You quickly clean up the kitchen. He gets up. You take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. He lays down on the bed, moving his balaclava to the nightstand. Surprised, you lay next to him, turning the tv on. You throw the blanket over the two of you and put on a movie you both love. He lays his head in your chest and you run your fingers through his short blonde hair.
"I love you." he says, his voice ricocheting into your chest cavity.
"I love you too, darling." You say, kissing his forehead. He loves being babied by you.
After the movie is finished, you realize he's asleep. You can tell by his light snoring and slow, deep breathing.
You take a moment to think to yourself. You are lucky enough to be with an amazing man, who may need some more fixing than you thought but nothing you can't handle. You know you want to spend the rest of your life with him and have more moments like these; you and him cuddling in bed after a nice meal. The idea of that sounds like a dream come true. Your life right now is something you never even imagined would happen to you...yet here you are with the man of your dreams. The person you've been waiting for your whole life. You are now complete.

König/Ghost x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now