You're safe now (✨👾)

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Warning: This contains suggested SA (s3xual a$$ult).

You and König have been dating for a while now. But he doesn't know that you have PTSD. You always tried to hide it from him, but this time it didn't work.

You and König are sitting on your couch watching a movie. You are curled up next to him, his arm around you. Your eyes start to get heavy. You yawn. König looks over at you.
"Aw are you tired? Come here." he says softly, patting his chest. In your tired state, you crawl onto him like a cat, since he's much bigger than you, and rest your head in his chest.
"There you go, meine geliebte(my beloved). Rest easy." His kind words make your heart melt and you stomach fill with butterflies. This is the best relationship you've ever been in.
A few minutes go by and you are now asleep. König notices you twitching. He tries to comfort you by rubbing your back slightly, but it does the opposite. You spring off of König and fall off the couch. Your eyes closed out of fear, you start hyperventilating and backing away from him and the couch. He was startled and confused. He stands up, wanting to rush over to you and help you but not wanting to make anything worse, thinking he did something to trigger this.
"Y/n?" You don't respond at first, but you open your tearful eyes finally and see the love of your life standing before you. You jump up and run over to him, hugging him, almost knocking him over. You breakdown crying into his sternum. Startled, he slowly puts his arms around you, not wanting to cause you anymore distress.
"Meine Liebe(My love), what is wrong? Are you okay? D-did i do something?" He looks down at you, waiting patiently. You look up at him, trying to compose yourself.
You shake your head. "No, you didn't do anything." you sniffle. He's never seen you cry like this, he's anxious.
"Come," he says, bringing you back over to the couch. He holds your shaking hands and looks at you, trying to make eye contact. He sees you are embarrassed and looking away.
"Hey, look at me," he says. You finally make eye contact. König's eyes are wide with concern.
"Bitte(Please), tell me whats wrong." His voice is so soft and soothing that you end up crying more.
"Hey it's okay, just breathe with me okay, In... and out..." you comply and start breathing with him.
"Good job, just keep breathing." he says as he slowly gets closer to you, your legs touching. You feel calm enough to start talking.
Through a breaking voice you say, "I'm sorry, i didn't mean for you to think you did something wrong, it's just..." König leans closer to let you know he's listening.
"I was...attacked, a while ago, i have nightmares about it sometimes." You look away in shame. König brushes your cheek with one of his gloved fingers, wiping your tears away.
"I understand, it's okay, don't be ashamed. I still love you the same no matter what." Your heart fills with his words. You hug him tightly, never wanting to let go. He embraces you and rests his head on yours.
"You're safe now, don't worry," he rubs your back gently, trying to give as much comfort as he can.
"I won't let anyone hurt you anymore, Ich verspreche dir das(i promise you that)." He goes out if his way to lift his masks to kiss your head, then bringing them back down. You know he doesn't like taking off his masks so that gesture made you feel special.
You guys sit there for a while, hugging. König looks up at the tv.
"Do you want to watch another movie?" he asks looking back down at you. You look up at him.
You smile and nod. Seeing you smile after all of that makes him feel accomplished. Like he finally did something right. He brings you closer to him, grabs a nearby blanket and puts it over you. He puts on a movie he knows you love and puts his arm around you. His heavy arm is on you makes you feel safe, like nothing bad can happen when you are with him. You watch the movie and end up falling asleep with ease. König waits a while and notices you have a slight smile on your face. His love for you grows by the second. He knows you are meant to be.

König/Ghost x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now