Chapter 4: pewter city

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Once Audrey and gang started on their way through viridian forest. Misty was freaking out for the most part and they were getting a little lost but luckily Audrey had her rotom phone, so it wasn't too bad.

on their way through the forest, they made a new friend name samurai. They had a 2 on 2 battle Audrey used her butterfree and beautifly. she ended up winning both battles.

After that they finally made it out of the forest and reached pewter city everybody was tired and hungry. "Phew, I thought for a second there we weren't ever going to get out of there.". said Audrey. Misty agreed with her and said that she was very happy to be done with all the bugs.

They both gave their pokemon to nurse joy to make sure that their pokemon got nice healed and refreshed since they have been working really hard. They thanked nurse and also asked for a room for the night. Nurse joy gave them a room and they both took turns showering and then washed their dirty clothes. After that they got their pokemon back and thanked nurse joy once more.

After they got everything situated, they had a nice relaxing meal and headed to bed after since Audrey had the gym battle tomorrow. Audrey said goodnight to everyone and not long after that she was asleep.

The next morning, she woke up excited but also a little nervous. Everybody else woke up. Misty and Audrey both feed their pokemon before returning them. Once they left the room, they got something to eat for themself. Audrey realized that she forgot about signing up for the league. So, she wanted to do that before heading out for the gym battle. It was a quick process to do that and then her and misty started making their way to the gym.

Misty asked, " So you're really going to enter it?". "Yeah, I have always wanted to enter it. it's what I have been training with all my pokemon for". Audrey said. "Will you be alright? I promise I'm not doubting u but I'm just worried and don't wat you to get hurt.". Misty said. "Don't worry misty. I appreciate your worry, but I promise I will fine before I started my journey, I looked up the gym leaders. I know they pewter gym uses rock type and like i have said before I have been training with my pokemon for this.". Audrey said.

Misty was very impressed with how Audrey spoke about this and could see the determination in her eyes.

"Who are u going to use for this gym battle?". misty asked.

Audrey smiled and told misty she would have to wait and see. Audrey then looked at vulpix and eevee and asked if they were ready to start this part of the journey. They both looked at her and stated shaking their heads really fast. Audrey giggled and said, " let's get this part of our journey started then.".

When they got there, they noticed that the building was made out of giant grey stones. Audrey gave herself i little prep talk before walking in.

"Who goes their?" A voice said from deeper inside the gym.

" My name is Audrey and I'm here for a gym battle." Audrey said.

"Very well. I'm brock and I'm the gym leader. I accept your challenge." Brock said as he appeared out of the shadows.

Brock led Audrey to the battlefield. Misty was already on the side with eevee and vulpix.

"This battle is between brock from pewter gym leader and Audrey mew Ketchum of pallet town. Both challengers will use two pokemon each. And whoever defeats the opponents two pokemon first wins. Let the battle begin!". Said the referee.

"Alright pideot! I choose u!" Audrey shouted as she throws the ball into the air.

Brock was shocked at what her choice was. also thought it was a big mistake. After he got over his shock, he tossed up his poke ball and called out geodude.

geodude, The Rock pokemon.

Geodude is often found on the mountain roads with half of its body buried in the ground so it can observe Mountain travelers.

Brock ordered his geodude to do a rock throw, but Audrey told her Pidgeot to use areial ace to dodge the rocks. Audrey told Pidgeot to use sand attack to slow down to geodude. Then she told Pidgeot to you stealing continuously on geodude which after six steel Wings attack geodude fainted.

"Geodude is un able to battle. This battle goes to pidgeot". The referee called out.

Brock was amazed with Audrey's battle strategy. He couldn't believe she taught her Pokémon and move that beats rock types he also thought this kid is good but let's give her a chance to see how good. "Okay geodude return". Brock Said. " Onyx come on out".

Onyx, The Rock snake pokemon.
By twisting its large body and Powerful body, Onyx can quickly bore through the ground at 50 mph.

"Pidgeot return!" Audrey yelled out. Audrey wanted to use a different pokemon for the second round. "Beautifly its your time to shine!". Everybody there was shock and didn't expect her to use a bug type pokemon and even more shocked to see that it was a different colored one.

Brock looked at the pokemon, he was shocked but knew he couldn't underestimate her or the pokemon. Brock ordered onyx to use sandstorm, but Audrey countered it with gust then he ordered onyx to use rock throw.

Audrey told beautifly to use double team then silver wind. Beautifly wings glowed and flapped her wings, winds of gust but it was silver and hit onyx hard.

brock was having a hard time getting understand how Audrey was not joke and that all the pokemon he has seen so far is to advance to be a beginner and that fact that she has one from a different region. "Onix!" He shouted, "Quick onyx! Rock throw now!"

"Sorry but I don't think so," Audrey shouted, " beautifly lets end this use water pulse now!" Beautifly released her blue watery spere and hit onyx with making it faint.

"Onix is unable to battle!" The referee called out to all that was there, "Beautifly is the winner! Therefore, the winner of this gym battle is Audrey!"

Audrey was so excited and gave beautify a big hug.

When the gym battle was over brock shock hand with Audrey. "Audrey, you gave me a great battle" brock said, "Usually people would use grass or water pokemon to defeat my rock pokemon but u used two very opposite type of pokemon to do it."

Audrey thanked brock and said while yes, she could have used her pokemon that had the advantage she wanted to give her other pokemon a chance to battle with someone who has the advantage on them. After that brock gave Audrey the boulder badge.

After leaving there her and misty made their way back to the pokemon center to have pidgeot and beautifly checked out. Once they got checked over Audrey and misty decided to leave pewter city and head to the next gym battle.

Misty was telling Audrey how surprised she was with her battle. Vulpix was asleep in hood, while eevee was being carried by Audrey.

Just as they were about to leave, they heard a voice behind them. "Hey Audrey, misty wait up!" Behind them was brock running towards them.

"Brock what are you doing here?" Audrey asked him.

" Well, I was hoping it was okay if I came on your journey with You guys?" Brock asked.

Misty was confused and asked, "what about the gym?"

"don't worry, my dad is the real gym leader of pewter city. he was in the hospital for a little bit but is out know and is going to run the gym with help from all my sibling and my mom. so, is it okay if I can with u guys??" He asked.

Audrey and misty looked at each other and both nodded their head yes. "of course. welcome aboard." They said together to brock.

So, know the journey continued with Audrey, mist and brock.

* Hey guys so sorry I took so long to post the next part of the story. I'm going to let u guys know now that I will not be doing the Mt. Moon! episode that one never really caught my attention. As I have said before if u have any request or things u want to see please comment and i will see what I can do. *

Audrey mew Ketchum: Kanto journeyWhere stories live. Discover now