𝟑𝟔. 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

383 6 35

"fine fine, i'll play catch with you." vanessa rolled her eyes at her boyfriend. he let out a big grin as she grabbed an extra glove from the dugout.

trea backpedaled across the diamond, tossing the ball at vanessa. she threw the ball back at him after taking it out of her glove.

"i always forget you played softball." freddie said next to her.

"for most of my life, i actually started kinda late."

"you play in college?" he asked.

"i did, d1 and everything." she caught the ball again.

"damn, what position?"

"i played center in college and right all through high school."

"oh cool!"

"ness got a scholarship her sophomore year of high school. not to brag or anything." trea yelled across the field.

"he's so annoying." vanessa muttered.

"i heard you!" he shouted, throwing the baseball a little harder than he did before.

"i don't need you to brag about me, i can brag about myself and my short list of accomplishments." she replied, snatching the ball in her hand.

"oh come on, i'm sure you have plenty of accomplishments. youre the dodgers manager for christ sake." freddie said.

"co manager, it will be an accomplishment when i'm the only manager." vanessa said. trea raised his eyebrows, curious if she was to say more about the situation.

"soon? dave is getting old..." freddie trailed off. vanessa said nothing more and rolled her eyes.

vanessa threw the ball back further than she had before. just enough so trea had to run a lot farther back just to catch the ball.

unlucky for vanessa, trea was a professional baseball player, so he of course caught it.

"oops!" she said sarcastically.

"oh shut up, i know you meant to do that."

"you know me so well." she grinned.


mornings in la were vanessa's favorite. she would always wake up to the sun beaming through her window onto her comforter.

the weather was always perfect, making her home the perfect temperature all the time.

vanessa headed downstairs to get herself some breakfast and watch tv.

to her suprise, she found her favorite coffee from starbucks and a breakfast sandwich. next to the food was a little note.

it read;

hi babe, i know you've been really stressed out lately. hope this starts your day on the right foot <3

"he's so cute," she muttered to herself, picking up the drink and taking a sip. she took her starbucks over to the couch and curled up in the corner.

she flipped through netflix for a while until she could actually find something she wanted to watch.

even though she was drinking a coffee, she fell back asleep for a bit longer than she should have.

she woke up to a netflix screen asking if she was still watching. her fluttering eyes checked the time on her phone; 5:10.

"jesus christ!" she rubbed her eyes quickly and scrambled to get up. she had about a thousand messages from her friends asking where she had been.

just then, there was a knock at her door. before she could even get up, the door swung open.

"ness?" it was trea, shocking.

"hello?" she groaned from her sleepy position.

"babe are you okay?"

"oh shit." she realized she actually had things to do that day. she was supposed to be at the stadium by 3. it was way past then. "yeah, yeah i'm fine."

trea walked over to the couch and sat next to her. "you haven't replied to me all day. we were really worried about you, i was really worried about you."

"i just fell asleep, and i don't know, i guess i didn't wake up." she spoke softly.

"you slept all day? did you sleep last night?"

"yeah, i slept fine." vanessa said. she sat up and leaned her head against his arm.

trea knew how drained she had been. he knew that was exactly why she slept all day. but also knew that she'd just deny it.

"are you up to going to the game?" he asked.

"yeah, i'll go change right now." she quickly stood up from her seat. before trea could say anything, she was already upstairs.

he went into her kitchen to grab himself a bottle of water from the fridge. as he went to do so, he noticed something on the side of the fridge. they were familiar pieces of paper. notes. notes that trea had written to her at various times for various reasons.

she had kept them all, every little post it note he left on her desk, even the one he had written this morning.

it was the little things he did that she loved. trea had never realized until now. he never noticed. trea never noticed the little things that he did, he just did them, never even thinking about it. which is weird, considering he noticed every little thing about her.

but ness noticed, ness loved it.

"does my hair look stupid?" she interrupted his thoughts.

"no i love it," he replied, stepping away from the fridge.

"can you drive? i'm not awake enough." she swung her tote bag over her shoulder.

"do we need to stop at starbucks on the way?" he asked, grabbing his keys.

"i'll order it right now."

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