25. Newfound Love for Gothic History

Start from the beginning

"That was a date of sorts, but I mean like an actual date. What about the movies? It's dark there, no one will recognize us. We can sneak in at different times."

"Oh, I like that idea," he mumbled, his breath soft on my nose and his voice dazed. "We can save money and only buy one ticket too, you can just sit with me."

"That's not quite how it works, you goon."

"Hm?" His disoriented murmur showed me that he was no longer paying attention, and his mouth drifted farther down until connecting with mine.

Before I drifted out of a logical mindset, I leaned back, placing my palms on his chest. "Stop distracting me, I'm being serious."

The tall racer sighed, shifting his stance. "Well, one, taking you out on a date sounds like a boyfriend slash girlfriend thing. And two, I think you're an absolutely spectacular make-out buddy."

I rolled my eyes, and pressed on. "I'm serious, Grey."

"I like that you call me that now."

I scowled at him, lightheartedly, but I did want to try and say what was on my mind. "Why can't we go out for a date? Like an actual, literal date?"

Greyson finally seemed to take me seriously, and he studied my face. In the dark lighting, his eyes had dimmed to a warm hazel. "You know I'd like that. But what if people find out?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, tracing circles on his chest. "We could be quiet about it."

"And what's wrong with what we're doing now?"

"There's nothing wrong, I just..." I trailed off, trying to decipher my own muddled thoughts.

"Plus, like I said, we still haven't defined this."

I met his eyes. Both of us were thinking, but I couldn't quite tell what was going on in his mind. I hardly knew what was going on in mine.

It was true, we still hadn't broached that topic. It'd been fun for now, sneaking around and stealing kisses. But is that all it was going to be?

My mind flooded with thoughts, and I regretted bringing it up. What if he didn't want to define it? What if I didn't want to? Did I want to take that big of a step? Greyson's next words pulled me out of my thoughts.

"When you were maybe ten years old, I came to your house to go riding with Clay, and I asked if you wanted to go on a date with me."

My mouth curved at Greyson's words, and the twinkle in his eyes as he voiced memories from my childhood that only he held.

"A date? As a ten-year-old?"

Greyson lifted a shoulder, his hand absentmindedly playing with my golden hair that fell down my back. "I'd made myself a PB&J for lunch, and I made two because I wanted to ask if you wanted to eat in the backyard with me."

I giggled, picturing little Greyson Ryvers with even messier dark brown hair, green eyes alight with eagerness as he packed his little lunchbox hoping to score a date. "And what did I say?"

"You said you wouldn't be caught dead with a boy, unless I had brought chocolate."

My giggles intensified.

"Let me tell you, I tore apart your family's kitchen looking for a candy bar."

I was in a fit of laughter, leaning against Greyson for support. He had a soft smile on his face as he watched me. "Did you find one?"

"An old Twix bar I was pretty sure was from Halloween a few years back, when you had dressed up like Tinker Bell and you went from house to house only accepting Twix bars, and nothing less."

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