chapter 5

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(Y/n) pov

As they all were arguing I was zoning out but was quickly pulled back as the bell rang I looked over to see Raph and Leo fighting, I gripped the rope and leaned forward

"Kick his ass Red Reign!" I yelled, then looked to the side to see Donnie arguing with Mikey. Raph had Leo pinned down, and as the referee was counting, the light went off. "Oh damn,"

 I said while looking around as the lights hit behind me. I turned around to see Ghost Bear. "Another surprise twist!" Said the referee as ghost bear walked to the ring, shoving me to the side.

"Move it camarón" he said as he got in. I growled as he got in. "Who the hell are you calling camarón, Perra!" I yelled as he ignored me.

 Raph seemed happy he was there but was moved to the side, I heard a pop as I looked up a cage falling down, trapping all of us. "Uh Raph, is this how wrestling normally goes?" I looked at him as he smiled and nodded."Yeah!" He yelled out."Fighting his way back from loserville to championtown, ghost bear!" The referee said as he was towering over Leo, ready to attack, but Raph got in the way

 "Hey ghost bear, I got a few ideas on how you can win back your belt. If you want, we could team up, and" he was cut off when ghost bear shoved him down."I don't tag team with Tortugas!" He yelled as he jumped up catching Leo and throwing him

"Oh hell nah" I yelled as I jumped in, catching Leo before glaring at ghost bear "If you want him you gotta go through me Winnie the Pooh" I said as I cracked my knuckles at him "don't kill him (y/n)!" Raph yelled at me 

"I'm so sorry, ghost bear, but about those ideas to win back your belt I-" he was cut off as Ghost Bear put a hand on Raph's shoulder "Hey your brother took my belt. Let me show you how I stole it in the first place." he smiled and pulled something from behind his pocket.

"Peek-a-boo!" He blew some kind of dust in Raphs eyes as Raph yelled and moved back."Hey! That's cheating!" I got between them as I glared at Ghost bear

 "This is an anything goes match, right?" I said as the referee nodded."Anything goes match!" She yelled as I smiled "Good" As I was about to hit him, Leo jumped from the cage.

"Hey! Nobody does that to my brother! Except for my brother!" He was gonna elbow him but missed, ghost bear took that chance to pull on Leo's shorts and throw him to the rope, I took the chance to throw myself on him knocking him back "Don't forget I'm still here oso" he growled 

"You're supposed to be the greatest of all time. Not a dirty cheater" Raph said as he got between us but was shoved to the side again "don't believe everything you see on TV, Tortuga" he was gonna walk away but raph got him

"I am so washing my face when I get home" I quickly ran over and punched ghost bear in the stomach but he didn't seem phased by it. He kicked me back as I fell on Leo soon after Rah was next to us groaning in pain.

"It's true what they say. Never wrestle your heros, " Raph told us as Donnie shrugged."Eh, I still think I'd whoop Galileos ass, " I rolled off Leo."I don't have hero". Ghost Bear dragged Leo as he yelp, then grabbed Raph, dragging him as well. I stood up and ran over to them as ghost bear was spinning them around.

I went behind, grabbing him by the neck and pulling him back, I regretted it after he fell on me. I gasp for air as he got off me "damn bitch you heavy heavy" I glared at him as he threw raph and Leo.

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