I Love You, Louisa Stroup!

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I was lounging on my bed, headphones plugged into my phone, as I chatted with Eliza. She was my secret, my solace, my love. I told her about my day, about how my biology teacher Mrs. Thompson had lost her shit when she found my squirrel dress in my locker. "She was all like, 'Louisa, that's disgusting! You can't bring that to school!' But, like, it's art, you know? So what if it's a dead squirrel? I made it fabulous."

Eliza laughed at my rant, her voice warm and soothing. "Far out... That is far out, Louisa. You're a real revolutionary, sticking it to the man. Or, in this case, the woman."

I couldn't help but smile. I loved how Eliza understood me. She never judged me for my weird hobbies or my quirks. "So, babe, tell me about your day. Anything interesting happen?" I asked.

There was a pause, and I could tell Eliza was hesitant. "Well, I had a bit of a row with my dad. He doesn't really approve of our relationship, Lou. It's a bummer, really."

"What? Why not?" I asked, feeling a bit defensive. "We're just two people who love each other. What's wrong with that?"

"I know, right?" Eliza sighed. "He's just so... old-fashioned. Thinks I should be focusing on other things. But you know what? I don't give a damn. You make me happy, Lou. And I think that's pretty groovy."

I felt a warm glow in my chest at her words. "That's all I want too, Eliza. To be happy with you."

The conversation turned lighter, as Eliza tried to steer it away from her family drama. "So, Lou, have you thought about what we'll do when we finally meet? You know, after you graduate and all that jazz?"

I grinned, excited by the prospect. "I've been thinking about it a lot, actually. We could build a tiny house together, somewhere in the woods. Just us and nature, you know? We'd have a little garden and live off the grid. Just... be happy with each other."

Eliza's voice held a soft, wistful note. "That sounds amazing, Lou. Just the two of us, creating our own little world. It would be far out, really."

As we continued to talk and dream about our future, I couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky. Sure, there were challenges ahead, but with Eliza by my side, I felt like I could face anything. Even if the world didn't understand us or approve, we had each other. And in the end, that's all that really mattered.

I lay on my bed, feeling the warmth of Eliza's love enveloping me, and I realized just how incredibly lucky I was to have her in my life. My heart swelled with emotion, and I knew I had to tell her how I truly felt. "Eliza, I need to tell you something."

"What's up, Lou?" Eliza asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Taking a deep breath, I finally said the words I'd been longing to say. "I love you, Eliza. More than anything in the world."

Eliza's response was immediate and enthusiastic. "Oh, Lou! I love you too, so much! I can't believe you said it! I'm over the moon!"

As we basked in the glow of our shared love, I couldn't help but wish the whole world knew about us. "Eliza, I wish we could just shout out to the whole world that we're in love. I want everyone to know."

She seemed intrigued by my bold statement. "Really, Lou? You'd want that? Everyone knowing about us?"

I thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah, I do. Because we're not doing anything wrong. We're just two people who love each other. And maybe if more people knew about us, it could help others feel less alone or afraid to be themselves."

There was a brief pause, and then Eliza's voice filled my mind, louder than before. "I, Eliza, love Louisa Stroup!" The sound of her voice seemed to reverberate through my entire being, sending tingles down my spine and filling me with a joy I'd never felt before.

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