Chapter 24: Birth

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"Tony. They are coming." Loki said through gritted teeth. "Come on." Tony said as he helped him get into the car. His moans were getting progressively louder as Tony drove. Tony's heart just kept beating faster each time he let out a moan. The heavy traffic from the wreck was making it nearly impossible. "Loki, just hang in there. We will be at the hospital soon." Tony said trying to reassure him. But Loki couldn't wait any longer. The contractions were coming faster and harder, and he flat up knew that they were coming now and fast. "Tony, I don't think we are going to make it in time." Loki said which made Tony's heart sink. Tony hated to see him in so much pain. "Just breathe, Lolo. You are doing great." He said placing a hand on Loki's back. Loki let out a scream as another contraction hit him. "I can't do this Tony. It hurts too much." Loki said through tears. Tony's mind was racing, and he helped him lay on a blanket in the back seat of the car. "Just keep breathing, Lolo. You can do this." He said trying to stay as calm as possible. Loki let out another scream as his water broke. "Tony.. The baby is coming." Loki said. "Okay, Lolo. I am going to deliver the babies, but you must push, Lolo. You can do it." Tony said. Loki nodded and began pushing as Tony was aiding him in the process. He could feel his hands shaking as he guided the first baby out. "It's a boy." Tony said. Loki was almost out of breath. But there was no time to rest, Loki was still in labor, and they had to deliver the second baby quickly. Within minutes, the baby girl was born. Tony wrapped the babies in the blanket and tried to calm Loki down. "It's okay, babe." Tony said as he kissed his forehead. "You did it, Lolo." Tony said as tears ran down his face. "We did it." Loki said exhausted as he looked up at Tony. The traffic had finally lightened up and they got them to the hospital, and they knew everything would be alright. "I'm so proud of you." Tony said as he was taken back. "I never could have done it without you." Loki said. They kissed and looked at their beautiful babies together for the rest of the day, before they were discharged to get back to their lives. 

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