Prologue: Horrors of the Past

Start from the beginning

Hunter stopped as he heard crying. At this point, he was still trying to help everyone he could. Without a second of hesitation, he ran towards the noise. The screen focused on his face. His bluish gray eyes were holding a determined glare.

"Hold on, I'll be there soon!" He yelled, the oddly silent forest helping his voice echo far into the pitch black forest.

"Oh my goodness, I've never seen his eyes before!" Nekonome yelled a light blush on her cheeks. Rossweisse, Reiko-Sensei, and Miura-Sensei agreed, but weren't blushing.

"I forgot that he was blind when he became a teacher." The masked woman said, alarming the rest of the groups. "We'll get into that later."

"Hello?! I heard someone crying; are you okay?!" Hunter yelled. He looked around the dark house before walking further into the overgrown house. "Shit, this isn't good." He said as he stepped over a red writhing mass on the floor.

He walked further into the house, being careful to avoid more patches of the red mass. The crying got louder and louder as he went deeper into the house.

In the farthest room in the house, he found a young boy crouched in the corner, crying. He looked relatively normal.

"Hey, kid. Are you okay?" Hunter asked as he knelt down to make himself look less imposing to the child. The kid didn't turn around and kept crying. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I'm here to help. Here." He held out a bag of M&Ms to the kid.

'He seems frightened. Hopefully this will help. I can always get more from an MRE.' He thought as he saw the kid shift a little.

"You don't have to be afraid. I'm Sargent First Class Hunter Herrero, of the United States Army. I'm here to help." The kid turned back around causing him to sigh. He put the M&Ms away after seeing how it didn't help ease the situation. "It'll be night soon, and it'll be dangerous. At least help me protect you for the night."

"I didn't expect him to be so soft to kids." Chryssi said as she looked at the screen with a soft smile.

"It's one of the skills he retained after loosing his memory. His family often had him watch the younger kids during the Family Reunions." The masked woman explained. They were surprised that he got that job, but it made sense with how gentle he was to Cream and the other children in their respective worlds.

Lupa didn't acknowledge it. She knew what was going to happen. The kid was acting. suspicious.

The kid turned around and looked at Hunter with tears in his eyes. He looked normal. He looked a little pale, but Hunter could agree that the forest was terrifying.

"There you go." The Soldier lifted his hand and reached for the child. "Here, just follow me." Hunter said as his hand got closer to the kid. The screen focused on his face, his kind smile beaming.

"Yup, that's Mr.Herrero." Tamamo said as she watched the video. The masked woman kept silent as the feed went on.

His expression soon changed to one of horror as blood flew from the bottom of the screen.

"Mr.Herrero!" His students yelled.

"Hunter!" His friends, colleagues, and lovers yelled.

"A... A... AAAAAHHHHHH! AHHHHH!!! FUCK, FU-UCK!!!" He yelled as the screen focused on the ground. Meer feet away was his severed hand. He gripped the base of his wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

He looked at the kid as the feed focused on him. He looked normal, but his features were blank and his eyes were unfocused. Then he opened his mouth and not the one at the bottom of his head. His skull split open before the kid let off a piercing screech.

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