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The night came to reign after a bright day. A tall, handsome man with divine looks clad in navy blue Armani suit and with a golden Patek Philippe watch wrapped around his wrist while sitting on his jet black Mercedes- AMG GT 63 in Stuttgart was driving back to the city from the airport. City! Seoul city!!!

The city which once showered him with happiness , also drowned him in sadness. The city which once made him feel alive , also took his breath away. The city which once showed him trust, love and hope but also made him witness betrayal ,hate and despair.

Three years ago , this very Seoul city gave him everything but then again left him with nothing. Truth to be told , It was not the city that turned the handsome man Kim Taehyung's life upside down but a man who lives in the heart of Seoul.

Bottled up in his own thoughts Taehyung was driving to a place where he knew his patience will be tested, his deep buried wounds will be opened but most importantly he had to face the man who toyed with his emotions. The man who he loved with his all but in return got betrayal.

Tae's grip on the steer wheel tightened as he was nearing the building and a plethora of emotions were hitting him like a truck. Dejection was over clouding his mind , anger rose in his heart but his face showed no emotion. He has been preparing for this day for the last 3 years and he knew there was no turning back so he braced himself with a deep sigh.

He was sure that come what may, he wouldn't fall weak in front of the person he was going to meet. No matter what happens , he wouldn't let the other man's presence affect him. He will just do what he was here to do , to fulfil his promise he made to his father and the promise he made to the man 3 years ago.


Meanwhile, in the heart of Seoul proudly stood a tall and sturdy 20 storeyed building where on the top it showed with royal blue LED lights JEON CORPORATION.

On the highest floor , facing the large window in his cabin was standing a walking sin with well built muscles, a sexy man in matte black Tom Ford suit. A man who was talk of the city because of his achievements and devilishly handsome looks. With a cigar between his luscious lips , he was looking at the city lights and the people moving around the city. He wore pride like a piece of jewel on his face and arrogance was dripping from his posture.

Despite being born with a silver spoon , he decided to start from scratch to create his own identity. Now he was the rising star in the business world named Jeon Jungkook. The CEO of Jeon Corporation. He toiled day and night to gain power, to achieve success , to reach where he was today just to destroy one person , one name Kim Taehyung.

If Jeon Jungkook was the rising star in the business world, Kim Taehyung was no less. Taehyung was an affluential man in the medical field. Within a short span of time he became a well known heart surgeon and made his own name coming out from the shadow of his father's fame.

Both Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook were poles apart. If one was driven by love, the other was driven by hatred. The only common trait between them was they both were intractable. Their ego were twice their age .

Jungkook's train of thoughts were interrupted when his secretary Olivia came in his cabin and informed him ,

" Sir, Kim Taehyung is here."

Hearing that Jungkook smirked, his blood boiling and felt sudden excitement mixed with hatred run through his body. He couldn't wait to destroy him , ruin him , he was eagerly waiting for this day because he is the only person Jungkook has ever hated with so much dedication.

" Finally you are here Kim. Can't wait to snatch that annoyingly beautiful boxy smile from your face Taehyung. You took away my loved ones from me, I swear to seize every ounce of happiness from you. Just wait and watch, " Jungkook said to himself with gritted teeth , every word was oozing with hatred.

Without turning around Jungkook just nodded, throwing the cigar in the ashtray and putting his hands inside his pocket, he signaled Olivia to send him in.


So here is the first chapter.I hope it was a good start and you will like the story lovelies.Don't forget to vote and looking forward to your comments.

See you in the next chapter.

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