Why Are You Here/Thoughts Interrupted

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*Jason&Sasha in the m,m*
If there are any mistakes, please excuse them!

It's a whole new day and my neck is still killing me. I swear I could kill Jason. Every time I touch it , I end up cringing. I think I should go to the doctor and get it checked out or something. I haven't left my house at all today; I don't want anyone to see this huge bite mark on my neck. I have on a jacket and it's zipped all the way up to my mouth, just in case someone decides to stop by unexpectedly. "Ugh!" I can't believe this. But then again, it is Jason. I shake my head and get out of my bed. Walking towards the kitchen, I hear someone knocking at my door. I walk over towards it and try to look through the peephole but I'm too short. Turning all of my locks, I slowly open the door and the devil himself is standing in front of me. "What do you want?" I ask in a muffled voice. He smirks at me as he takes in my appearance. I'm wearing a tank, jacket,and some tights. "Is this going to be your way of covering every mark I give you?" He asks before cracking up. I roll my eyes as he just stands there laughing like some deranged psycho path. "It's not fucking funny you asshole! And what do you mean by every?!"I guess my yelling didn't phase him , because he continues to laugh as he side steps me, entering my domain. "Um excuse you. I didn't say you could come in." He looks down at me and then looks at the door. "Not like I was gonna ask if I could." I scoff and roll my eyes before closing the door. "Make your self comfortable." I say sarcastically as he takes a seat on my couch and scoops Simon up. "He's getting bigger." The smartest remark pops into my head as I watch him rub Simon;but I decide to keep it to myself. "Jason, you still haven't answered my questions." He looks up at me like he's confused. I sigh while shaking my head.

"Huh? What were they?" I smack my lips and roll my eyes. "Same ole Jason."
He looks at me with an annoyed look before saying, "Stop being so difficult and tell me what you asked woman!" I stare at him like he's lost his mind. "Yea I'm talking to you, Sasha James." I squint my eyes trying to read him. "I said Why are you here, and what do you mean by every. There's no way in hel you're biting me ever again." I say defensively. "I can't just stop by? And every as in there will be more." I shake my head and laugh. "You ? Stop by? That's impossible, you're definitely here for a reason. As for the whole every thing, you're never biting me again. Ever. So get that out of your head right now." He smirks as he stands up and shakes his head. "You can't stop what you don't expect to happen. Just like on the elevator;you were so weak at resistance,which means your guard was down, and that allowed me to pin you up kiss you." I look at him before looking down at my feet. How does he have this much power over me?. I'm supposed to be over him. I mean I am over him. "Sasha!" Jason snaps his fingers in my face, which pulls me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay? Did you even hear a word I said?" I shake my head and then rub my eyes. "I'm sorry Jason. I just zoned out for a bit. What were you saying?" He bites his lip as his facial expression changes from worried to amused. "What were you thinking about?" Ugh. Why on earth did I zone out. I've got to stop doing that. Oh wait I'm doing it again. "Nothing Jason." He smiles as he looks down at me. I want to smack that smile of his right off,but it's so gorgeous. Even if I can't stand him at the moment, I can admit he's still handsome. Everyone always calls their ex ugly after a bad breakup. I on the other hand, don't think that all. "Sasha!"


"You alright? Maybe you should go lye down or something. Better yet we should go lay down." He says in a playful tone. "Sorry to burst your bubble bud, but WE ain't sleeping nowhere together. Besides it getting pretty late." I say glancing at my back doors, which reveal that the sun has gone down. Sadly I have to work tomorrow. But I'll be one day closer to my date with Myles. "Ugh. Fine. I'll see you in the morning." He says stepping away from me. "No funny business tomorrow either Jason!" He smirks as we walk towards the front door. "Ehh we'll see what the day brings." I just shake my head. He reaches out and opens the door, then steps out onto the porch. "Hope you sleep well Sash. Don't forget to dream about me."

"Don't count on it." I says before closing the door in his face.

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