Back to Work...With A Twist part 1

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* Myles,Sasha,and Jason in the m,m..If there are any mistakes please ignore them*

Beeeeeep Beeeeeeepp!!!

Groaning as loud as I can, I roll over and silence my blaring alarm.It's finally Friday morning and I'm dead tired. I don't even feel like going to work today. Unfortunately,money for bills won't just fall into my lap, so I guess I'll go. Throwing my covers back, I throw my legs over the side of my bed and sigh. I walking into the bathroom shaking my head. I don't even know what I'm going to wear to work today,but I'm sure I'll think of something. Leaning down in the tub, I turn the hot water nob and strip out of my clothes. Hopefully this shower will wake me up,
After being in the tub for about thirty minutes, I'm finally out. Wrapping my towel around me tightly, I walk over to the mirror and grab my tooth brush while examining my neck. Surprisingly the mark is almost gone. After I finish brushing my teeth, I head to my closet. I pull out my plain blue maxi dress and lay it out on the bed , while I put on my bra and panties. I know wearing a dress isn't recommend since Jason has sticky fingers, but I don't feel like wearing anything else. Slipping on my dress, I pull on my sandals then grab my phone, and bag. Walking towards the kitchen, I see Simon running in with me. I pick up his food and water bowls and fill them up. Looking at the time on my phone I sigh loudly."Mommy has to get ready to go Simon." I scoop him up and hold him close to me. Kissing his nose, I smile at him then put him back down. I grab my keys off the counter, the head for the door. Stepping outside, I lock up and walk slowly towards my car. Sneaking a glance next door, I notice Jason truck is gone. I silently thank God then hop in my car. Hopefully he's already in his office working. Starting my car, I turn up my radio and then pull out of my driveway. Time to go face the music.
Pulling into my parking spot and turn off my car. I grab my bag and throw my phone inside before exiting the car. Just as I get ready to close the door I hear someone whisper,"You look beautiful in that dress Sasha." I turn around and become face to chest. Looking up, I see Myles staring down at me smirking. I giggle and say,"Good morning sir." I'm not sure if it would appropriate to call him by his first name in the work place. I close my door and step back taking in his appearance. He's so handsome, and I'm in awe. "Ah  first name basis isn't allowed in the work place?"  He chuckles and makes my legs feel weak. Oh my God what's he doing to me. I barely know this man and he's got me about to fall  all over the place. "I-um-I mean I didn't think it would be appropriate to call you by your first name in the work place." He nods and then look around the parking lot as if he has something he only wants us to know or hear. "Could I um... Walk you to your office Miss. James?" He smiles before taking my hand in his. I smile and say,"Sure I'd love that." We walk hand in hand towards the front door of the building. As soon as we step in all eyes are on us. It feels weird to have all of this attention on me, but Myles seems unmoved by it and just keeps walking while saying good morning to everyone. As we get on the elevator, I can't help but to sigh happily. Today feels like it's going to be good;but then again things have always been too good to be true in my life. "Sasha?" Myles says pulling me out of my thoughts. "Huh? I mean yes sir?" He smiles and says, "This is your floor right?" I look at the opened elevator doors and see everyone from my floor watching us...holding the elevator...alone. I scan the crowd and see familiar pair of brown eyes looking back at me. Stay cool Sasha, you can do this.My cheeks start to heat up as we step out and walk deeper into the crowd. "Good morning everyone." Myles says in a deep husky voice. I hold his hand tighter to steady myself before I end up falling. Everybody's says good morning back, but as we walk to my office I feel them burning holes all through me. "Here's my stop." I say breaking our strong stride and the firm grip we both had on each other's hand. "Alright Miss James, I'll be seeing you around." He pull out a key and unlocks my office door. Instead of turning to leave , he pulls me closer and whispers,"Bye beautiful, don't forget about our date tomorrow." He grabs my hand and kisses it, then leaves. I smile and silently scream as I walk over to my desk. Placing my bag down in one of the drawers, I sit down in my comfortable  chair and log into the computer. I was smiling so hard, I didn't even notice that my office door had been closed or that Jason was standing in front of my desk until I heard him say,"We need to talk."

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