Chapter 12: Gohing Away

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Hello there! It's been a while. (Also look at this dummy for forgetting to publish this chapter on Wattpad! What a fool!)

I wasn't originally planning to return for a while, but the end of an era is here and Ash has departed. Interesting to see how the show panned out. On the bright side, the plot isn't really ever-changing now.

Preparing up for this, I reread the story, and I've got to say, I'm dissatisfied with the grammar and some of the dialogue. Star Wars Prequel-grade dialogue without the memability. I'll probably head back at some time and correct.

I'll include my expanded opinions in the end notes. Otherwise, enjoy the newest chapter.

V raised an eyebrow, but thought nothing of the question. "The correct way to say it would be 'What is Regieleki and what is Regidrago?' but I get what you mean." He paused, "Why do you ask though?"

Ash drew in his breath again, trying to sound curious and not alert V that they were on his tail, "You mentioned those two back in the meeting room." He admitted, "I was kind of curious as I have never heard of the two before."

V widened his eyes incredulously. "Check your Smart-dex."

Ash complied and squinted at the screen, which bore the words "No Data."

"I should send my data to Professor Oak," V mused. "If your Smart-dex has nothing, I'll tell you." He scanned the corridor. "Not here, let's talk outside."

"He doesn't seem so suspicious right now," Anabel whispered to Ash.

"I know," Ash admitted. "But how he doesn't want to present the two...Regis out in public is kind of suspicious."

"I think they're still waiting for their debuts," Anabel mused. "We should check out his laptop for more information."

Ash looked shocked. "Aren't we going a bit too far then?" He asked.

"Oh come on," Anabel said playfully, "You used to break rules all the time."

Ash's face turned red. "That was, according to V, three years ago! I've changed."

"Are you two done yet?" V called out. He was already at the exit.

"Coming!" Anabel called. She turned to Ash and whispered frantically. "Listen. V wakes up early. We pretend to be asleep during the morning and wait until he leaves the room. Afterwards, we check his laptop for information. Got it?"

Ash nodded and the pair got back to V.

"Took you long enough." He said impatiently. "Come on. I've got a Pokémon to tell you about."

The trio walked to a park bench, V not paying attention to what was happening around him. V's phone suddenly buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it with an amused expression.

"What is it?" Anabel asked.

"The four of you, you two and Callum and Gloria, have made it into the Top 256. Can't say I'm surprised."

"Wha, how?" Ash asked.

"Two Tag Teams in the same battle were found to be doping and were disqualified." V explained, with an amused expression on his face. "I'm not really sure how that happened, but there people are now needed to fill in the vacant spot."

"How is that possible?" Anabel asked.

"Beats me." V replied, stretching. "Now, you wanted to hear about Regieleki and Regidrago? Be seated."

The three of them sat on the bench. "Regieleki is the Electron Pokémon. Electric Type." He continued with all of the base stats and the ability of Regileleki. "It's said that Regieleki has enough energy to power an entire region."

The Comeback of An Old OfferOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora