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tate's pov:

i stare at him. my mind goes blank. this has to be a joke right? i couldn't have imagined all this.

"christian stop joking with me." tears start to sting my eyes.

he grabs my hand. "remember that night with reed? he got you before foster could kill him."

it clicks. i've been imagining my life for the past four years as if i was never shot. but it all felt so real.

i can't process that i've been in a coma for four years. every "memory" that i've made, every laugh, every kiss, every moment was all made up?

"i've been in a coma for four years?" my voice breaks.

he nods as he wipes his tears. realization kicks in and tears release from my eyes uncontrollably.

he holds me in his arms. "it's okay. your here now. you get to start a new and a better chapter."

i thought i had already started my new chapter when mitchel and i started dating again. but that was all in my mind. it was never real.

the doctors come back into the room.

"i'll come back tomorrow okay?"

i nod as he gives me one last hug and kisses my head. "i love you tate. i'm so happy you're back."

"i love you too kras."

kras leaves the room as a nurse comes over to me. i wipe my tears.

"okay sweetie, we are going to have you stay in the hospital for a few days so we can get you back to normal and make sure you are doing alright. how are your memories? can you remember anything before the incident?"

i search around for memories and they are all coming back to me in an instant. every moment with kras, family, friends and the first time i met mitchel to every moment of that night leading up to the point where everything goes black.

a memory pops into my head. i remember meeting mitchel a few times. we were friends, we would talk and hang out, but we weren't close, but i've always had a thing for him. that probably explains why i've dreamt four years of my life with him.

"i still have all of my memories."

"perfect that is a great sign." the nurse starts typing what i tell her into the computer.

"now you have been on a feeding tube for quite some time but we will help you get back to normal as well with all of the other basics."

the nurse goes on to tell me all of the run downs that are going to happen for the next few days.

"we will be back to check on you soon."

"thank you."

the nurse leaves and i start breaking down. i cry so hard to where i can't breathe. my heart starts to crumble as i realize this is my reality now.


it's been almost a week and i'm finally back to normal. i'm walking, talking, and eating real food.

it's weird waking up suddenly and being 20 instead of 16 and not actually living in those four years like i thought i was.

kras is going to be here any minute to pick me up. he's staying in australia with me for a while so he can be here for me. he rented a house for us to stay in since i don't have a house right now. kras told me him, mitchel, and clinton all moved to los angeles about a year ago.

kras told me my parents are still living in australia but aren't here at the moment. nobody is able to get into contact with them for some reason. i hope i get to see them soon.

THE DEVIL // MITCHEL CAVEWhere stories live. Discover now